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the all chiddushim of din | כל התגובות של din

 Question:I used to have illlegally downloaded music and games. I long ago realized it is wrong, and deleted them all. am I chayiv to pay for the benefit I got from them? is it better to? (accord...

 The Rambam (Hilchos Sefer Torah 7:1) writes: “It is a positive commandment for every man in Israel to write a Sefer Torah for himself, as it is written, ‘And now, write for yourse...

 וידבר ד’ אל משה לאמר: נקום נקמת בני ישראל מאת המדינים, אחר תאסף אל עמךAnd God spoke to Moshe saying: Avenge the vengeance of the Israelites against the Midianites, after which you shall pas...

 In the previous article we discussed the contradiction that sometimes arises between the obligation to save lives on one hand, and the prohibition of murder on the other. A particular solution t...

 This week’s parashah is named after Pinchas, whose act of zealotry in killing Zimri and Cozbi lifted the Divine curse from upon the nation of Israel.The Gemara (Sanhedrin 82a) mak...

 Question:Dear Rav,Reading science and story books give me a tremendous amount of oneg shabbos. I also have an issue that I’m more prone to depression than other people. Is there a heter for me t...

 Question:My toddler like to talk about Parsha and sing songs of Torah and pesukim. I assume that I cannot sings/talk to him about these things while changing his diaper if its dirty. Is that cor...

 The narrative is well-known- Bilaam heads to Moav on a mission to curse the Jews, his donkey sees an angel blocking its path, the donkey stops, Bilaam whips it, the donkey berates him, and final...

Question: Why doesn’t any rabbi do parah adumah?Answer:The main difficulty concerning performing the ritual of parah adumah today is that there are no cohanim that we can certify as bei...

Personal Information

9 Chidushim
45 Scores
שם: Maane Simcha Foundation
תאריך הרשמה: 7/4/2019