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the all chiddushim of Jacob3099 | כל התגובות של Jacob3099

 In this weeks parsha we see a very big pattern accrue… so Hashem brings a plague then pharaoh asks for mercy then Moshe goes to daven to Hashem to remove the plague and he does. This sequence re...

 In this weeks parsha we learn about the mitzva of pidyon  haben  from the pasuk “קַדֶּשׁ־לִ֨י כָל־בְּכ֜וֹר פֶּ֤טֶר כָּל־רֶ֙חֶם֙ בִּבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂ...

 This week's parsha is parshas shemos… we learn about the begging of moshe rabbeinu and the jewish nations suffering in mitzrayim… you'd expect that in this week's parsha wed get a whole backgrou...

 This week's parsha is parsha vayechi one of the main topics that happen in this parsha is the event when yaakov can down to mitzraim. He found out is son Yosef was still alive and well. Later on...

Personal Information

4 Chidushim
124 Scores
שם: Jacob boim
תאריך הרשמה: 1/21/2019