The Brachos- Why through deception?
If we think about the backhanded way in which Yackov “Took”
the Brachos from Eisav, we notice that the only party involved who was
interested in it taking place in such a manner was Rivkah. Yitschok was definitely not happy with this
trick and neither was Yackov, who initially refused to cooperate on the grounds
that even if it did succeed it would cause more harm than good- but was
subsequently forced into it by his mother- who also assured him that she would
bear any negative consequence that would result.
The obvious question is what gain was there for Rivkah in
outsmarting Yitschok so Yackov can get the Brachos? Can one steal something
spiritual? Wouldn’t Yitschok know he was fooled just a mere few minutes after
Yackov walked out? Wouldn’t Yitschok resent that, and try to undo what was
done? Wouldn’t this cause tremendous friction in the family including between
Yitschok and Yackov?
Rav Hirsch offers a brilliant approach that settles the
entire matter. For years Yitschok saw Eisav as the one bearing the torch of the
house of Avraham. Eisav managed to fool Yitschok about his own righteousness,
creating the impression the he and not Yackov was meant to get the Brachos to
aid him in carrying out the mission that belonged to the house of Avraham.
Rivkah however, was
convinced that Yitschok was making a mistake and that Yackov was the rightful
bearer of the family’s destiny. Although Rivkah tried to convince Yitschok of
what she believed, and insisted that Eisav was not meant to get the brachos,
she didn’t manage to fully convince him.
All Rivkah was trying to achieve with this game was the game itself, not
the actual brachos per see. Rivkah wanted to prove to Yitschok just how easy it was to fool him. If
Yackov the ‘Tam’ can impersonate Eisav the ‘Tsayid’ and fool Yitschok, so too Eisav the ‘Tsayid’ can impersonate the
‘Tam’ and fool Yitschok.
This also explains why Yitschok reaffirmed the Brachos to
Yackov upon discovering that he was fooled. At that point he realized that he
had erred all along and therefore he proclaimed that the one (Yackov) who got
the brachos- “Baruch Yiyeh” should be blessed.
This also explains how after such a loaded episode takes
place Yitschok calls Yackov over and besses him with the “blessings of
Avraham”. Now all is clear who the rightful
owner of the brachos is.
This can serve as a wakeup call for ourselves as to how careful
we need to be not to be deceived, even by the people who are closest to us and
we trust, as well, once we discover that we have been deceived to accept and
act upon the reality- no matter how hard
it is to accept.