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47 Results
אלו תוצאות חלקיות בלבד. מוצגות רק 1500 התוצאות החדשות ביותר.
להצגת תוצאות נוספות, צמצם את החיפוש על ידי בחירת תת קטגוריה
Eli Kopter- The Mosad Agent Real Identity Revealed.
שי טחן
Eli Kopter- The Mosad Agent Real Identity Revealed. Rabbi Shay Tahan A French TV channel recently fell for a viral hoax, reporting a rumor that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi had been
Fateful Flight and Wings of Retribution: Was It an Accident or a Strategic Move?
שי טחן
Fateful Flight and Wings of Retribution: Was It an Accident or a Strategic Move? Rabbi Shay Tahan It's hard to avoid seeing the similarity between what is happening recently in Iran and
University Protests
שי טחן
University Protests: Empowering Truth Above Popularity Rabbi Shay Tahan At various colleges across the nation, student demonstrations have sprung up in response to the Israel-Hamas confli
Red Heifer, Amalek, and Reactions of Nations
שי טחן
Red Heifer, Amalek, and Reactions of Nations Rabbi Shay Tahan You must be living under a rock if you didn't come across one of the thousands of videos and articles published recently a
Eclipses and Spiritual Causes: Jewish Perspectives
שי טחן
Eclipses and Spiritual Causes: Jewish Perspectives Rabbi Shay Tahan On Monday, April 8, a historic total solar eclipse will take place. This cosmic event will be visible across a narrow
Sense of patriotism.
שי טחן
Sense of patriotism. When the Torah speaks about the message the priest called mashuach milchama (anointed for war) speaks to the people in order to get them ready for war, there are a
Lessons from Purim and Torah Leaders.
שי טחן
Strategies for Survival: Lessons from Purim and Torah Leaders. Rabbi Shay Tahan We have previously discussed the difference between Chanukah, where the Maccabees took up arms to defend
Jewish Lions: Roaring Through History.
שי טחן
Jewish Lions: Roaring Through History. Rabbi Shay Tahan One of the more famous symbols of the Jewish army is that they are referred to as lions. There are drawings of lions in soldier
Jewish Lions: Roaring Through History.
שי טחן
Jewish Lions: Roaring Through History. Rabbi Shay Tahan One of the more famous symbols of the Jewish army is that they are referred to as lions. There are drawings of lions in soldier
אל יתהלל חוגר כמפתח
שי טחן
Let not him who straps on his armor boast like he who takes it off. אל יתהלל חוגר כמפתח The story of the rabbit and the turtle, often known as "The Tortoise and the Hare,"
Cursed or Blessed? The Power of Words
שי טחן
Cursed or Blessed? The Power of Words Rabbi Shay Tahan prayer While praying, one may openly curse those evil-doers who involve themselves in hurting and terrorizing the Jewish nat
Discovering Hashem's Intentions through Prayer.
שי טחן
The Silent Conversation: Discovering Hashem's Intentions through Prayer. Rabbi Shay Tahan During times of conflict, individuals are urged to employ every means at their disposal to ensu
Remember What Amalek Has Done To You- Is Gaza Amalek?
שי טחן
Remember What Amalek Has Done To You- Is Gaza Amalek? Rabbi Shay Tahan On Thursday last week, South Africa presented its case at the World Court in The Hague, asserting that Israel is engaged
Bitachon: Relying On Hashem Even When We Aren't Deserving.
שי טחן
">Bitachon: Relying On Hashem Even When We Aren't Deserving. ">to watch click here
Yishmael- The Make up Of Evil
שי טחן
">Yishmael- The Make up Of Evil. to watch this amazing explanation click here
Hashems Kindness
Rebbi Mendel
The first time we hear about Avraham, is when Hashem tells him to leave his country and family in Charan, and travel to a special land, Eretz Canaan that would turn to be Eretz Yisrael. Avraham Avi
The Mitzvah of Settling in the Land of Israel – Part 5
Rabbi Nadel
The Mitzvah of Settling in the Land of Israel – Part 5 The Three Oaths The Talmud (Ketubot 111a), based upon three verses in Shir HaShirim which begin, “I adjure you, O maidens of Jerusalem,” teache
The Mitzvah of Settling in the Land of Israel – Part 4
Rabbi Nadel
The Mitzvah of Settling in the Land of Israel – Part 4 The View of Tosafot As discussed in Part 1, the Mishnah (Ketubot 13:11) teaches that one may compel his or her spouse to ascend to the Land o
When Dovid Fell Before Hashem (at a Time of Plague)
Rabbi Rudman
When Dovid Fell Before Hashem (at a Time of Plague) It is not my place to give Mussar, All I am trying to do is explain a Pasuk that it is part of Tefila. It is found in Tachanun, and is a Pasuk at
Yifat Toar - Parshat Ki Teze
Yifat Toar The concept of Yifat Toar is not an easy one to grasp. How can the Torah permit something that the Torah does not approve of, as can clearly be seen from the context of t
Latest Chidushim and Divrei Torah
Eli Kopter- The Mosad Agent ..
שי טחן
Eli Kopter- The Mosad Agent Real Identity Revealed. Rabbi Shay Tahan A French TV channel recently fell for a viral hoax, reporting a r
Beyond Authority: The Art of..
שי טחן
Beyond Authority: The Art of Empowering Others Rabbi Shay Tahan At a rabbinical convention attended by esteemed scholars from previous ge
Rejoicing at the Downfall o..
שי טחן
Rejoicing at the Downfall of Our Enemies: Rabbi Shay Tahan When we experience a defeat of our enemy a question must be asked: are w
Fateful Flight and Wings of ..
שי טחן
Fateful Flight and Wings of Retribution: Was It an Accident or a Strategic Move? Rabbi Shay Tahan It's hard to avoid seeing the similari
Latest Discussions
The purpose
Beautiful Dvar Torah. Great preparation for Shavuos
Parshas Bechukosai- The Mira..
Amazing!!!!!!!!!! A vey true perspective on life.
Parashas Bereishis The Game ..
This is really amazing, I think that it also explains why people actually feel satisfaction when the team they are going for wins...
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