Spirits of the Law
of the Law
Yosef was packing his bag to go back to yeshiva, when his
father walked into the room.
“I hope you have a great time in yeshiva on Purim,” Yosef’s
father began. “And I’ll be waiting for a call from you, after Purim, to let me
know that you didn’t get drunk!”
Yosef was startled. Not get drunk on Purim? But it’s a mitzva! And
yet, what about the mitzva of honoring his father?
Answer of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l:
Yosef is obligated to obey his father. Despite the fact that a son
is generally supposed to disobey a father who commands him to violate the
Torah, this situation is different. The Yosef’s father did not obligate Yosef
to violate the Torah. The son can fulfill the mitzva by drinking a little more
than usual, and going to sleep afterward, as the Rama states (695, se’if
2). This is how Rabbi Auerbach himself observed the commandment. (Halichot
Shlomo, chapter 19, se’if 25)
Rabbi Asher Weiss, shlita was asked a similar question by a young man whose father said that
he does not allow the son to get drunk in the house of the father. The son was
concerned, because he felt that he would miss out on a spiritually uplifting
experience. Rabbi Weiss instructed the son to eat the Purim meal somewhere
else, so that he would be able to drink without upsetting his father, and to
explain to his father why it is that he is not planning on attending the family
Purim meal. Rabbi Weiss stated that, even though most authorities rule that one
should not get drunk, and Rabbi Weiss himself does not get drunk, he states
that if the boy feels that he will lose out spiritually by not getting drunk,
he should follow the above.