Lag B'Omer - Sticky Situation
It was late
afternoon. The slowly sinking sun shone down halfheartedly, as clusters of boys
hurried through the streets, searching for a precious commodity. With only days
until Lag B’Omer, it was imperative that each group find sufficient wood to
build an impressive bonfire.
“Over here!” Nissim
called out in a yell, which ended in a whisper. He didn’t want to draw the
attention of other groups, to the massive tree branch lying on the ground.
Nissim and
his buddies, Yisrael and Reuven, got to work immediately. They dragged the
enormous branch across the street, and over to their stash of wood. Suddenly,
they found themselves surrounded by a group of older boys.
“I see you
have some extra wood!” one of the boys sneered. With that, the big kids began
pulling Nissim’s newly acquired branch away from his pile. Nissim and his
friends watched helplessly, as their hard earned wood was being taken away.
Suddenly, Nissim had a thought.
He turned to
the big kids and said “I don’t know why you’re bothering with our little pile.
There’s a much bigger pile of wood on the other side of that fence.”
The older
kids followed Nissim’s gaze. They sized up the situation, and ran off to the
other pile.
“I can’t
believe you just did that!” Yisrael exclaimed. “You just sent a group of
thieves to attack someone else’s wood pile. And we even know who it belongs to.
That pile belongs to your neighbor Nachum and his friends!”
exactly the point!” Nissim responded, as he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket.
“Nachum is bigger than us. He’ll know how to handle those kids! I’ll just give
him a call and let him know what’s going on.”
Yisrael and Reuven watched carefully, eager to see what would happen next. The
tough kids were about to take some pieces of wood, when they were suddenly
attacked by Nachum, and a few other boys. Nachum and his friends gave the
would-be thieves a few good punches, before the offenders got up and ran away,
with Nachum calling after them that they dare not come back to this area.
Did Nissim
act correctly, when he told the kids to steal wood from the other boys’ pile?
It seems like he did a good thing, because the kids were caught, and, in all
likelihood, won’t try to steal wood again.
Answer of Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, shlita:
Firstly, it
is important to warn children, as well as adults who witness and ignore theft
of wood, that at Har Sinai, we all heard the voice of Hashem telling us not to
steal!! There is no allowance whatsoever to take wood which someone else
collected, for a Lag B’Omer bonfire. Similarly, it is absolutely forbidden to
use a store’s shopping carts to carry wood, without obtaining explicit
permission beforehand.
The answer to
this specific question is as follows:
Nissim acted
inappropriately, and it was forbidden for him to direct the boys to the other
wood pile, for two reasons:
1. Sending
the boys to the other wood pile was a violation of “before a blind man do not
place a stumbling block” (which forbids us to give bad advice, or lead another
to sin), because Nissim was actually encouraging the boys to steal.
2. Nissim
caused the thieves to fall into the hands of boys who were stronger than them,
and were likely to hurt the thieves. This is considered “moser” (giving
someone over to others who will administer unjust punishment), a crime for
which the punishment is particularly severe. Additionally, if there was strong
reason to believe that the thieves would be injured by Nachum and his friends,
it would be considered that Nissim himself hurt the thieves, and Nissim would
be required to bear the consequences.
Nachum and his friends also acted wrongly. They should not
have injured the offenders. Assuming that the wood rightfully belonged to Nachum
and his friends, the most that they would be able to do would be to defend
their property, even using force. However, injuring the offenders, more so than
necessary to prevent theft, was forbidden, and Nachum and his friends are
obligated to compensate the injured parties.