True Perspectives
Human nature is to get attached to what we invest in.
Whether it’s time, energy, money or any kind of effort-the more we invest in
something the more we become attached to it. If we build something from scratch;
and with hard work can produce positive results from it then we also feel like
the owners and “Masters” of the project.
After working the land of Israel for a number of years there
is a danger that the Jewish people will start to see themselves as the “Masters”
of the land. After all “I” sewed in
the right season and calculated the best time to harvest, and “I” invested
months of my time and energy to make this crop a success- and the tremendous
yield of the crop even attests to my phenomenal job.
To avoid this danger Hashem commanded us that on the 7th
year we are to “let go” of “Our” fields, to demonstrate to ourselves
and to the world that we are not the Boss, rather Hashem is the Master of
the land and we are merely his servants carrying out his will.
As well, refraining from working “My Land” on Shmittah
despite a financial and sovereign loss, protects us from the natural but false
feeling that we are the “Masters” of the land.
The concept of Smittah is also relevant to us in our every
day to day life. When we refrain from doing something because Hashem commanded
us, we demonstrate and declare to the world; and most importantly to ourselves
that Hashem is the “Master” and we are his servants.