Strategic Steps of Walking Backwards in History
Steps of Walking Backwards in History
Parashat Beshalach.
the Body Language of Determination for the Mission.
ופרעה הקריב. (שמות יד, י)
"רש״י- ופרעה הקריב" - היה לו לכתוב ופרעה קרב,
מהו הקריב? הקריב עצמו ונתאמץ לקדם לפניהם".
Our parasha demonstrates various forms of body language related to how a person walks or travels. A person's walking pace and movements can reveal subtle nuances about their mindset and intentions. Observing someone who walks briskly with a determined pace often signals a strong sense of purpose and goal-oriented behavior. This rapid stride suggests confidence, indicating awareness of their destination and a focus on efficiently accomplishing tasks.
This parallels a significant aspect in our parasha when
Pharaoh and his army chase Am Israel. They move in unison, driven by a singular
goal and mission.
The language used in the Pasuk (שמות יד,
י): "והנה מצרים נוסע אחריהם. רש״י- בלב אחד
כאיש אחד, stating that they
were traveling to chase Am Israel in singular tense, emphasizes the unity of
purpose among Pharaoh and his army—they all shared one mission. This
observation aligns with the idea that body language extends beyond individual
actions and can reflect collective intentions and objectives.
The verse further underscores Pharaoh's determined endeavor to approach the nation of Israel. The specific wording in the pasuk, "וּפַרְעֹה הִקְרִיב" (Pharaoh approached), is elucidated by Rashi, who explains that Pharaoh exerted a strong effort to draw nearer to the nation. This nuanced interpretation adds depth to the narrative, highlighting the intentional and forceful pursuit by Pharaoh as he sought to close the distance between his army and the people of Israel. It reveals their determined mindset, demonstrating a resolute commitment to chase the Jewish nation without any hesitation. This collective determination echoes through their synchronized movements, emphasizing the unified purpose propelling Pharaoh and his army in their relentless pursuit.
Language of Hesitation and Confusion.
"דבר אל בני ישראל וישבו ויחנו לפני פי החירת בין מגדל ובין
הים לפני בעל צפן נכחו תחנו על הים. ואמר פרעה לבני ישראל נבכים הם בארץ סגר עליהם
המדבר." (שמות יד,ב-ג)
רש״י- וישבו" - לאחוריהם לצד מצרים היו מקרבין כל יום
השלישי כדי להטעות את פרעה שיאמר תועים הם בדרך כמו שנאמר ואמר פרעה לבני ישראל
Contrary to the determined person who walks with assurance, an individual who hesitates, taking a brief step back before moving forward, might be grappling with uncertainty or indecision. This momentary pause could reflect a reconsideration of choices, possibly due to a lack of confidence in the chosen path. This deliberate pause may manifest as a contemplative approach, with the person carefully evaluating the situation before proceeding.
Furthermore, if the person not only hesitates but also displays signs of confusion, such as turning around or appearing disoriented, it could be linked to being unsure about where to go or feeling lost. In this scenario, the physical act of turning around or stepping back becomes an outward expression of their internal struggle to find the right direction. The confusion may stem from a lack of clarity in their surroundings or uncertainty about the correct path, emphasizing the complexity of their thoughts and emotions in that moment.
Pharaoh demonstrated a keen awareness of subtle cues in body language. This became evident when Pharaoh discovered that the Jewish nation had revisited a location they had already passed through, known as 'Pi Hachirot.' After their initial departure from Egypt, the nation embarked on a three-day journey. Hashem then instructed them to go back, creating an appearance of being lost. This strategic move aimed to deceive Pharaoh, making it seem as if the nation had lost their way and creating an opportunity for him to perceive them as vulnerable and susceptible to attack.
This calculated move was part of a larger divine plan. The anticipated outcome was that the Egyptians, driven by Pharaoh's decision to chase the seemingly confused and disoriented Jewish nation, would follow them into the split sea. Hashem foresaw this pursuit leading to the ultimate culmination of divine justice—a powerful and final punishment for the years of oppression that the Egyptians had imposed upon the Jewish people. The splitting of the sea and its subsequent flooding was destined to be a consequential event, symbolizing both liberation for the Jewish nation and divine retribution for their oppressors.
This particular form of body language is readily noticeable, and indeed, Pharaoh was quick to discern its significance. However, it's crucial for us to be attuned to such cues even when they are more subtle and nuanced. A close observation of an individual embarking on a mission reveals valuable insights, especially by paying attention to their approach.
Body Language in a Contented Space.
ויסע משה את ישראל מים סוף (שמות טו, כב)
רש״י- הסיען בעל כרחם, שעטרו מצרים את סוסיהם בתכשיטי זהב וכסף ואבנים טובות, והיו ישראל מוצאין אותם בים וגדולה היתה ביזת הים מביזת מצרים שנאמר (שיר השירים א): תורי זהב נעשה לך עם נקודות הכסף. לפיכך הוצרך להסיען בעל כרחם.
Another example illustrating how people feel is found in the narrative of Moshe Rabenu having to forcefully remove the nation from their settled place. Rashi explains that the reluctance to leave stemmed from their engagement in collecting the valuable spoils—gold, silver, and precious stones—that washed ashore, belonging to the Egyptian chariots. This episode reveals a universal truth: when individuals are content and happy in their current situation, their reluctance to leave becomes evident.
Final words.
Those teachings provide us with insights into understanding a person's mindset as they walk towards their task. We can glean a lot from their walking style, gaining valuable information about their feelings regarding what they are about to do. For instance, if an individual is moving at a leisurely pace with a lack of interest, it becomes apparent that they lack enthusiasm for reaching their destination. This observation offers crucial insights into various situations, such as when considering the hiring of a worker. Slow and disinterested movements may indicate a likelihood that the individual won't perform the job efficiently, suggesting potential delays and diminished interest in the work at hand.
In another scenario, witnessing someone hurrying to yeshiva in the morning provides a clear signal of their passion for learning. The brisk and purposeful steps indicate genuine eagerness, suggesting that this individual values education and is committed to reaching the yeshiva promptly. These subtle cues offer valuable insights into assessing an individual's attitude, work ethic, and priorities.
Certainly, one sign alone may not provide a conclusive understanding, as there could be other underlying reasons. For instance, the person walking slowly might be having a bad day or not feeling well, yet they could perform well at work. On the other hand, the person hurrying to yeshiva might be rushing to meet an old friend. However, a combination of body signs can offer more comprehensive insights into a person's mindset and intentions.