Our Inner Strengh
The New York
Times recently published an article interviewing a former captive of the
notorious ISIS terror organization. Describing harsh conditions and cruelty
that only the sickest minds can conjure, the former captives goes on to reveal
that all the westerners that were held as hostages by the terror group, converted
to Islam. Some out of the hope that it would diminish their captor’s cruelty
towards them and others even anticipated that it would by them their
long sought ticket to freedom. Some captives only practiced their new religion
on the outside, while others really took it serious. Sadly, it didn’t achieve
its desired affect and most of the hostages didn’t survive, except those few
that their country managed to bail them out. But what’s interesting, notes the
former captive is that there was one captive that didn’t convert, not even for
an external display, and that was a Jew by the name of Steven Sotloff.
The former captive goes on to describe that Steven even went so far as
to observe mitsvot in private, when possible. He fasted on Yom Kippur, prayed
every day facing Jerusalem and many more mitsvot.
It sounds
amazing that the only one that didn’t convert under those harsh inhumane
conditions was a Jew. Steven portrayed great courage and strength, as well a
deep commitment to torah. Not converting even when that could be your only way
to stay alive is giving one’s life al Kiddush Hashem!
Not downplaying
what Steven did in any way, however, when most of us hear about Steven we don’t
get too excited. We are definitely awed and proud of the tremendous strength and
courage that he displayed yet we are not taken by surprise. Unfortunately,
and for no fault of our own, our excitement has
been dimmed by the repetition of this scenario. Sadly the age old option of
‘’convert or die’’ has been posed to us in basically every generation. Whether
it was facing a crowed of blood thirsty Spaniards in 1492 or a band of wild
ruthless Ukrainian peasants in 1648, and even the locals of York in the early
middle ages.
For the last
millennium we’ve been faced with this undesirable predicament time and again.
We performed outstanding, gladly choosing the cruel death our tormentors
managed to come up with, then to give up our Judaism. Time and again shocking
our tormentors with strength they thought humans couldn’t possibly posses. The
reality is, Sadly we’ve been numbed to appreciate the greatness of giving one’s
life to sanctify G-d’s name.
Steven definitely performed outstanding, but not unprecedented.
To our great dismay we have many such heroes in our bloody history. (Among the
religions that preach love)
Avinu is praised for withstanding ten vigorous tests. In order to be the
progenitor of the people that are destined to make a covenant with God, he had
to prove himself. If he was chosen out of all humanity in his day, we can surely
assume that those tests wore of high caliber, none precedented and perhaps none
repetitive. For if not, what was so special and unique about him withstanding
those tests? If anyone can do it why is he so praised for it?
Let’s take a
look at the first nessayon,test.
Avraham was
presented with the age old infamous choice of ‘’convert or be thrown to the
flames’’. Mustering all the strength and courage that he possessed, Avraham chose the raging tongues of fire.
Giving up his life to sanctify G-d’s name is no small achievement, perhaps the
greatest of deeds. But we must ask
ourselves, is he the only one that managed to withstand a test of such
magnitude? Aren’t there others that managed just the same? And seemingly without so much effort. We previously pointed out, that sadly our
history is decorated with these kinds of heroic personalities. Every generation
had its opportunity to sanctify G-d’s name in such a manner. So, why is Avraham
avinu credited so immensely for something that so many have achieved and
perhaps with less difficulty?
In his
commentary on perkiy avos , R’ Chaim vallaszon raises this question. He
suggests the following. For Avraham avinu to overcome the nessayon it took a
tremendous amount of strength and effort on his part. But once he succeeded and emerged victorious, it became a part of
him, a component of his genetic code. In turn Avraham avinu passed it on
to his descendents, for them it became an inborn trait. The
relative, superhuman effort that was necessary for him to apply in order to
overcome is no longer needed for his children, for they inherited this
wonderful gift, they already have it in them. All they need to do is reach
inside their vast reservoirs and retrieve the necessary strength, that is
already theirs.
Based on this above R’ Chaim goes on to explain
an interesting phenomenon that we are witness to every so often. It’s not very
common but surely not unheard of, for a person to suddenly drop everything pick
himself up and move to Erets yisroel, leaving everything behind, from family to
friends and many times a flourishing business, all this in order to tread on
holy soil. The strength for this explains R’ Chaim, is taken from the nessayon
of lech lecha. Avraham left everything behind to dwell in Erets yisroel.
He cites another example whereas a Jew
experiences a difficult situation and emerges with his faith unshaken,
exclaiming ‘’I don’t know why Hashem did that, but I trust him that it’s for
the best’’. The strength for this stems from the nessayon of going down to
After leaving everything behind and traveling
for days on end, Avraham avinu finally makes it to Erets yisroel only to
discover that the land is plagued by a severe famine, which forces him to
wander even further, down to Egypt. Instead of wondering what happened to all
those blessings he was promised. He silently makes his way to Egypt. All this
he does with a pure and unshakable faith- in the one that has commanded and
guided him till then. Nothing changed.
As his
descendents, we have to realize the wonderful gift that we inherited. Each and
every one of us has in him a vast reservoir of strength, the kind that we never
dreamed possible. Throughout life we are all tested with various different nissyonos.
Some seem doable, whiles others seem designed for angels to handle. When a nessayon that seems beyond us comes
our way, we have to realize that we can withstand it. With Hashems help, we can reach beneath the
surface and realize our yet untapped potential. It’s in our grasp.