Tomato Source - question and Answer mikeitz
בגלל שיוסף הוציא דיבה על אחיו נגזר עליו להיות בבית האסורים עשר שנים
(שמות רבה). מכל זה אנו רואין חמר האיסור של חטא הלשון (שמירת הלשון, ח"ב,
פרק ז)
Tomato Source
The students sat silently in their seats, their eyes riveted on
their teacher, Rabbi David. They were eager to hear the resolution to the
question which had developed, during the course of the lesson. Rabbi David’s
voice rose in excitement, as the tapestry he wove before the class began to
take shape.
Suddenly, something came whizzing past him. Before Rabbi David
could grasp what had happened, a large, juicy tomato splattered against the
wall. He hurried to the window, in order to ascertain the source of the
projectile. It was too late. Whoever had thrown the tomato was nowhere to be
Rabbi David returned to the front of the class, and was perturbed
to see that the once silent room had descended into chaos. Students were
laughing and whispering to each other. A few exchanged knowing looks. It was
obvious to Rabbi David that the students knew exactly who the culprit was.
“Quiet!” commanded Rabbi David. “I see that some of you know, very
well, who it was who threw that tomato. I insist that you come up to me after
class, and tell me who did it. No student should be allowed to disrupt an
entire class. In addition, it is his responsibility to clean up this mess!”
Is Rabbi David correct, in insisting that his students divulge the
identity of the offending student?
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, answers:
The book of Joshua recounts a story, in which a man named Achan
took from the spoils of Jericho, after Joshua had warned the people that it was
forbidden to take from the spoils. As a result of Achan’s sin, the Jewish
people lost a battle against the city of Ai. Joshua knew that ban had been
violated, but did not know the identity of the culprit. The Gemara (Sanhedrin
43) relates that Joshua asked G-d who had taken from the spoils. G-d responded
“am I an informer? Cast lots, and, thereby, you will know who took from the
So too, in our case, the teacher should not ask the students to
tattle on the offender. This will cause them to belittle the laws of lashon
hara (gossip). (It is
true that the story in the book of Joshua does not provide irrefutable proof of
the impropriety of asking students to tattle on one another. This is because,
in the case of Joshua, G-d knew that Joshua had another means of discovering
who had committed the crime (i.e. the lottery). In our case, the teacher has no
other way to find the wrongdoer, and punishing him appropriately. Nonetheless,
the story of Joshua indicates that it is not ideal to ask others to identify a
The Gemara does relate a story (Arachin 16) in which
students approached their teacher, and told him of indecent actions which
another student had committed, with the intention that the teacher would
reproach the sinner. This would seem to contradict the above idea. However, in the
case mentioned in this Gemara, the students approached the teacher on
their own, and related negative information l’shem shamayim (for the
sake of Heaven). In contrast, in our
case, it is the teacher who is initiating, and requesting negative information.
If the students are compelled by the teacher to inform on their fellow student,
they will not necessarily speak l’shem shamayim. If they will speak
merely because they were ordered to do so by the teacher, and not with the
proper intent, their speech will be considered lashon hara.
What the teacher may do is speak to the students regarding the
severity of the offense, without attempting to find and punish the offender.
Even if the offender will not learn his lesson, unless he is punished directly,
this does not warrant compelling the other students to speak lashon hara.
(from Igrot Moshe, Yoreh De’ah, section 2, siman 103,
as well as a letter written by Rabbi Feinstein, which is published in the book Bakesh
Shalom, page 93)
The author of Shevet HaLevi (section 9, siman
34) disagrees with Rabbi Feinstein’s conclusion. The Shevet HaLevi argues that,
for the benefit of the education of the offender, it is necessary to
investigate and discover the identity of the perpetrator. This is not lashon
hara. The teacher must request to be told the information in private, so as
not to embarrass the offender. Additionally, the teacher must warn the speaker
that he must be careful to only share information about which he is confident
of its accuracy. This way, the teacher will avoid causing the student to speak lashon
summary: According to Rabbi Moshe
Feinstein, zt”l, a teacher must not ask students to divulge negative
information about other students. According to the Shevet Halevi,
if this information is necessary for educational purposes, it is proper to
request such information from students, to be related in private.
The question addressed in Igrot Moshe and Shevet Halevi does not
mention the nature of the student’s infraction. The question simply states that
the student did “a shameful act).
Translated by Avigail Kirsch