The Contact Solution Problem - question and Answer vayigash
The Contact Solution Problem
It was late at night when Moshe got back to
his dorm room. He had been chatting with some friends in another room, and the
conversation was still replaying itself in his mind. As he pondered his
friend’s words, he suddenly noticed that his throat was feeling a little dry.
Moshe looked around for a cup. Scanning the room, he eyed a disposable plastic
cup, sitting on the table. He quickly filled the cup with water, and took a
drink. The water had a bit of a tang, but Moshe was so thirsty that the taste
didn’t bother him. He refilled the cup, took another drink, and then got ready
to go to sleep.
Moshe awoke the next morning to find sunlight
streaming into his eyes, and his roommate frantically searching for something.
“Chaim, what’s wrong?” Moshe inquired.
“I can’t find my contact lenses anywhere!”
explained Chaim. “I better find them quickly, because it will be hard for me to
get around without them. I just don’t understand. I left them in a disposable
plastic cup, on the table last night, soaking in lens solution. Where could
they possibly have gone?”
Moshe swallowed hard. So that explained the
funny tasting water incident, from the night before.
“Uh, Chaim, I have to tell you something…”
Is Moshe obligated to compensate Chaim for the
lenses which Moshe drank?
Answer of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l:
Moshe is not obligated to pay Chaim, for the
following reasons:
a) The act was not done in a manner of
‘causing damage,’ rather, it was done in the manner of ‘drinking’
b) Moshe had no reason to suspect that the cup
contained contact lenses. Therefore, it is considered oness gamur
(complete duress), and there are opinions which maintain that one who causes
damage under duress is absolved from paying.
c) The owner of the lenses is the guilty
party, in this case, because he left an expensive item in a cup, on a shared
dorm room table. Therefore, even according to those who maintain that one must
pay for damage which he caused under duress, in this case, there is no
obligation to pay, because the loss was the fault of the owner.
Shabbat Shalom!