Dropped Call - question and Answer Bo
Dropped Call
Rabbi Natan entered the ninth grade classroom,
and placed his briefcase on the desk. He was about to begin his lesson, when he
was struck by the state of the classroom. Books were stacked haphazardly on the
radiators. Pencil cases were lying, half open, on the floor. Coats, stretched
out in heaps on the floor, glanced lazily at the hooks above them, the coats
apparently too weary to have gone that far up the wall. Simply put, the room
was a mess.
“Boys, we need our classroom to be a positive
learning environment,” Rabbi Natan began. “We need to be able to focus on what
we’re learning, and have an atmosphere which demonstrates that we respect
ourselves, and the classroom which is our home for most of our waking hours.
Before we start class, I need all of you to clean up.”
The boys got to their feet, eager to have a
brief diversion from educational activities, and began to put their belongings
in the appropriate places. Yossi, one of the boys in the class, did his part.
As he picked up the wad of crumpled paper next to his seat, he noticed, to his
horror, that his cellphone lay on his desk, in plain view of the teacher.
Cellphones weren’t allowed on the school premises, much less in the classroom,
and if the teacher saw it, it was bad news for Yossi.
Yossi quickly shoved his phone under his pencil
case, which lay on the corner of his desk. He glanced at the teacher, and
breathed a sigh of relief. All clear. He would just have to wait for an
opportune moment to sneak the phone back in his bag.
The teacher scanned the room. “Good job boys.
You cleaned up a lot. But the desks are completely out of order. All of you,
push your desks into place.”
“It’s not our job to move the furniture here” whined
Ari. “We can’t start moving all the desks!”
“We just worked hard cleaning the whole room”
moaned David. “We shouldn’t have to also move the desks!”
“Boy’s, this is ridiculous!” Rabbi Natan
retorted, angrily. “It’s not that hard to move a desk!” And with that, the
teacher shoved Yossi’s desk toward the wall.
The desk hit the wall with a loud thud. Yossi
watched in shock, as the objects that graced his desk were unceremoniously
thrown to the floor. He crouched down to assess the damage. No! It couldn’t be!
“My phone!” Yossi screamed. “You broke it! Now
you have to pay for a new one!”
“But that phone should never have been brought
to this classroom, in the first place” retorted the teacher. “I can’t be held
responsible for breaking something which shouldn’t have been there!”
Who is right? Is the teacher obligated to
compensate Yossi for breaking his phone, or is the teacher absolved from
paying, because he had no way to know that there was a cellphone there?
Answer of Rabbi Dov Lior, shlita:
Ostensibly, it would seem that the teacher is
not obligated to reimburse Yossi, because he was not allowed to bring his phone
into class, in the first place. This is termed “knisa b’lo reshut”
(entry without permission). If someone brings his possessions into the domain
of another, without permission, and the owner of the domain accidentally breaks
the object, he is not obligated to pay for the damage caused. (Chush
Mishpat, siman 378, se’if 6)
However, in our case, the teacher is
obligated to pay for the damage. This is because he should have been more
careful. His behavior falls under the category of “unintentional, which is
nearly intentional.” Even though the phone was hidden, when the teacher moved
the desk, he should have been more careful to move the desk gently, so that
nothing would fall off of it. (Rabbi Lior adds, citing Tosafot Bava Kama,
that a person should be even more careful not to cause damage to others’
possessions, than he is to avoid having his own property damaged.)
Summary: Even though Yossi
was not allowed to bring his phone into the classroom, because the teacher
should have been more careful, he is, nonetheless, obligated to pay.