Shavuot - Torah in dream
are those who merit receiving answers to their Torah questions while they
sleep. How does one achieve this? When one toils in Torah study while awake, it
influences the person’s sleep, as well, for it becomes a “Jewish sleep.” (The
Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sipurim V’hora’ot, page 230)
Rishon Letzion (Sefardi Chief Rabbi), Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, shlita
relates an incident told to him by his father, the renowned Rabbi Ovadia
Yosef, zt”l:
Ovadia Yosef had completed his regular learning schedule for the day. It was
late at night, and he fell asleep, troubled at not having found an answer to a
question in Jewish law, regarding the accidental opening of an electronic door
on Shabbat.
Rabbi Yosef awoke. As he sat up in bed, he recalled that, just seconds before,
he had dreamed about the question which had been plaguing him. In his dream, he
had been told that the answer to that question could be found on the third
shelf of his bookcase, in the eighth book from the left.
Yosef contemplated his dream. He got out of bed, washed his hands, and hurried
over to the bookcase. Rabbi Yosef stood in front of the third shelf. He counted
eight books from the left side. He eagerly took the book off the shelf, and
looked at the title. It was the book Chayei Adam. This book was written
more than two hundred years ago. It certainly wouldn’t have any comments on the
use of electronic doors.
Rabbi Yosef took the book, and replaced it on the shelf. However, the book did
not slide back into place. Again, Rabbi Yosef attempted to return the book to
the shelf, without success. Rabbi Yosef looked closely at the shelf. There, he
found another book, nestled between the Chayei Adam and the back panel
of the bookshelf. Rabbi Yosef took the book off the shelf. It was the book Lev
Avraham. Rabbi Yosef swiftly opened the book, and, to his delight, found
the answer to the question which had puzzled him. Rabbi Yosef thanked Hashem
for providing him the answer in his sleep.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef related the story to his son, Rabbi Yitzchak, Rabbi Yitzchak
asked his father “is it possible to fulfill the mitzva of learning Torah while
one sleeps?”
of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, zt”l:
practical difference is there, whether or not one fulfills the mitzva while
sleeping? Let’s assume that he fulfilled the mitzva.
Yitzchak Yosef, shlita, explained his father’s words as follows:
Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l, (Halichot Shlomo:
Sukkot, chapter 9, se’if 17) ruled that, on the holiday of Sukkot,
if there is insufficient room for everyone present to sleep in the Sukka, and
there is no other option available, it is permissible to take someone who has
fallen asleep in the Sukka, and move him outside the Sukka. The reasoning is
follows: This person is presently sleeping. While he is sleeping, he has no
awareness, and, as a result, he is exempt from fulfilling the mitzvot.
Therefore, it is preferable to remove a person who is already sleeping, and, in
his place, allow another person to fulfill his own obligation to sleep in the
Ovadia Yosef ruled differently. He held that it is
forbidden to remove a sleeping person from the Sukka, in order to create room
for another person to sleep in the Sukka. The reason is that Rabbi Yosef held
that even one who is sleeping is obligated in mitzvot. (He proved this from the
Shulchan Aruch, siman 63, 65, which says that if someone is
sleeping, others should awaken him, until he recites the first verse of Shema.)
Because, according to Rabbi Yosef’s understanding, a sleeping person is
obligated in mitzvos, therefore, if he dreams about Torah learning while he
sleeps, he fulfills the commandment of Torah learning while sleeping. If the
rabbis, who establish the law on earth, rule that one who dreams about Torah
fulfills a mitzva, Hashem will rule accordingly in Heaven, and will reward the
person as if he performed a mitzva.
One who dreams words of Torah fulfills the mitzva of learning Torah.