Parshas Selach- The Miraglim's Negative Vibes
As the nation stood at the threshold of Eretz Yisrael and Moshe told them that it was time for them to conquer it, a pivotal, incident took place. Twelve of the truly great leaders of the nation, one from each tribe, known as the Meraglim, went to survey the land-- and came back with a report that demoralized the people and caused them to lose faith in their ability to occupy their divinely ordained inheritance. As a result, the entire generation was condemned to death in the wilderness and Israels entry into the land was delayed for nearly thirty-nine years. The affair of the spies presents many questions, among them: Why was it necessary to send spies, as if God's promise was not sufficient? After the disastrous outcome of this mission, why did Moshe and Yehoshua themselves send similar expeditions? Why did God allow Moshe to send spies? If Moshe was in favor of this stratagem, why did he blame the people for having made this request? Since Moshe gave the spies a detailed list of questions about the land, why were they condemned for telling the truth as they perceived it? Many years later in Devarim, Moshe himself gave equally frightening pictures of the awesome power of the Canaanite nations that were waiting to fight the Jews; why, then, were they spies punished for saying essentially the same thing?