Medical (Don’t) Care
"למה נסמכה פרשת מרגלים לפ' מרים לפי שלקתה על עסקי דבה שדברה
באחיה ורשעים הללו ראו ולא לקחו מוסר" (רש"י)
Medical (Don’t) Care
Dr. Goldberg listened attentively, as his coworker, Dr. Epstein,
described the candidate whose resume had just come in.
“…and he’s a real expert in this area” Dr. Epstein gushed. “He’ll
add a lot to our hospital team!”
“Great!” Dr. Goldberg responded. “What’s his name?”
“Reuven Katz” replied Dr. Epstein.
Dr. Goldberg felt his breath catch in his throat. He knew Dr. Katz
well. Katz was known for his extensive experience and excellent medical skill…
and his obnoxious attitude! To say that he didn’t get along with others was an
understatement. A scalpel wasn’t nearly as sharp as the words Dr. Katz would use
to cut into his former colleagues and support staff. It was reasonable to
assume that Dr. Katz would give the same treatment to the staff in this
hospital, as well. In addition, Dr. Goldberg worried that Dr. Katz’s bedside
manner might be as hurtful as his conduct toward the staff.
Dr. Goldberg was sure that he should say something to Dr. Epstein
about Dr. Katz’s difficult personality. But then, he thought, perhaps it would
be lashon hara (gossip). What should Dr. Goldberg do?
Answer of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l:
This case brings to mind an incident which took place in Vilna. Not
long before the High Holy Days, the community chazzan became ill. The
community leaders gathered to discuss who was most suited to fill the position.
They found that the Rama states that the positive qualities that a chazzan
should have include a pleasant voice, greatness in Torah learning and
performance of good deeds, and being over thirty years old and married … The search committee set their eyes upon one prominent Torah
scholar who had all of the above characteristics, with the exception of… a
pleasant voice! When the Brisker Rav heard about this situation, he stated
that, if the committee were to ask him, he would instruct them not to hire this
candidate. This is because the primary quality necessary – that which makes a
person a chazzan – is that he has a pleasant voice. All of the other
characteristics are advantages which might put one candidate ahead of another
candidate. Therefore, the committee should not choose a candidate for chazzan
who does not have a pleasant voice.
Rabbi Elyashiv applied this principle to the case of the doctor.
The essential characteristics which make a person a doctor are his medical expertise
and experience. It is based on this principle that the Mishna Berura rules that
if a doctor, who is outstanding in his medical knowledge,
deems it necessary for a patient to eat on Yom Kippur, even if one hundred doctors
(of a lesser stature) disagree, the patient should not fast. Therefore, even
though getting along well with others and being a nice person are definitely
good characteristics in a doctor, they are merely advantages which put the
doctor ahead of another candidate who is equally qualified in terms of medical
Therefore, if Dr. Katz has extensive experience and medical
knowledge, he meets the basic criteria necessary to fill the position. It is
true that he has some flaws, but it is difficult to call them major deficits,
when considering that it is necessary to find a doctor who is sufficiently
qualified in terms of medical knowledge. Therefore, it would be forbidden for
Dr. Goldberg to speak against Dr. Katz.
Compiled by Avigail Kirsch