One minute vort- Who is the enemy?
Who is the enemy?
At the end of Parshas Balak Bnei Yisroel had an unfortunate
encounter with Midyon; whereas the daughters of Midyan maliciously seduced Bnei
Yisroel to sin, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Jews.
After Pinchas killed Zimri and the dust started to settle, Hashem
told Moshe Rabbeinu: “Nekom nikmas Bnei Yisroel me’es hamidyanim” loosely
meaning, take revenge of Midyan because of what they did to Bnei Yisroel.
However, when Moshe Rabbeinu speaks to Kllal Yisroel he
tells them: “Los’es nikmas Hashem Be’midyan” Loosley meaning, to take revenge
for Hashems sake.
The obvious question is: Why does Moshe Rabbeinu call it Hashems
revenge in Midyan, but when Hashem spoke to Moshe he called it Bnei
Yisroels revenge in Midyan?
Rashi (31:3) answers by saying “since they (Midyan) stood up
against Bnei Yisroel it’s as if they stood up against Hashem”.
It’s all the same thing.
It does not matter if one fights Hashem, or if one says “I
love Hashem, I am merely fighting with the Jewish people”. The Pasuk clearly spells it out that there is
no difference, the enemy of the Jewish people is the enemy of Hashem.
As in the past, there is no reason that this should not
apply today as well, any nation that declares its hatred, animosity or
aggression to the Jewish people, has made itself the enemy of Hashem and should
be treated accordingly.