The Day Of Yirmiyahu And Shlomo
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The Day Of Yirmiyahu And Shlomo The Maharsha (1555-1632)
tells us that the three weeks that start from the beginning of Rosh Hashana
correspond to the three weeks that begin with the 17th of Tamuz.[1]
So, Tisha B’av correlates with Shemini Atzeres. Rashi tells us in regard to
Shemini Atzeres קשה עלי פרידתכם; your departure is hard for me.[2]
This is what it was for Hashem when the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, which
occurred on Tisha B’av. While the seven days of
Succos parallel the Ushpizin- Avraham, Yitzchok, Yaakov, Moshe, Aharon, Yosef,
and Dovid- Shemini Atzeres corresponds to Shlomo, says R’ Tzadok Hakohen,[3]
the one who builds the Beis Hamikdash. This is what we are lacking on Tisha B’av.
Indeed, the Rema Mipano[4]
informs us that Shlomo- the one who builds Beis Hamikdash is reincarnated as
Yirmiya- the one who laments over it. Furthermore, the Gemara states that when
Tisha B’av or Erev Tisha B’av falls out on Shabbos (in which the fast of Tisha
B’av is observed on Sunday), one may eat and drink all he needs and serve on
his table all types of food evenכסעודת שלמה
like the banquet of Shlomo in his time.[5]
The Maharal[6]
(1526-1609) says Malchus Beis Dovid is similar to the moon and as it says כירח יכון עולם; like the moon it shall be established forever.[7]
Just as the moon is קטן as it is called the מאור הקטן so is Dovid- ודוד הוא הקטן.[8]
The father of Moshiach is Yehuda. He had Peretz and Zerach.[9]
זרח signifies the sun as it means to shine. פרץ, on the other hand, represents the moon as it is פרוצה; breaks out. Who does Moshiach originate from? פרץ. Counting the generations from פרץ until צדקיה- when Malchus Beis Dovid ended- we come to the number 28. This
corresponds to the 28 days the moon is visible,[10]
as one day a month it is blocked by the sun. Is it any coincidence that we
follow the lunar calendar! [1] Maharsha, Bechoros 8a. Also Tzidkas Hatzadik, 171. It
is interesting that the Maharsha founded a large Yeshiva supported by his
mother-in-law. The Baal Shem Tov said of the Maharsha (Shearis Yisrael, chapter
6) that if the world knew his true holiness, they would lick the earth that is
upon his grave. Parenthetically, the Maharsha wrote his Chidushai Halachos and
Chidushai Agados on Gemara as two separate Sefarim although today it is
combined into one. [2] Bamidbar 29:36 [3] Pri Tzadik, Shemini Atzeres, 39. The last of the
Ushpizin is Dovid who corresponds to the seventh day of Succos (Hoshana Rabba).
So, Shlomo- his son- matches up with the next day- Shemini Atzeres. [4] Gilgulai Neshamos, 48 [5] Taanis 29b. Orach Chaim 552:10. See Melachim 1, 5:2,3 [6] Chidushai Aggados, Rosh Hashana 25a, s.v. דוד. A
fascinating story surrounds the engagement and marriage of the Maharal. When he
was engaged to his future wife- Perel- his wealthy prospective father-in-law,
R’ Shmuel Ben Yaakov of Prague, known as the rich Shmelke, promised to support
him and his family. However, prior to the marriage, he became impoverished and
thus unable to keep his promise. Hence, he told the Mahral that he had the
liberty to find another match. Nevertheless, the Maharal said he would still
marry her. However, due to their meager finances, the wedding had to be
postponed. During this time, Perel opened a bakery. With the profits, she was
able to sustain herself as well as her parents. Suddenly, one day a soldier on
a horseback stuck a spear into a loaf of bread and carried it off. She begged
him not to rob her of the bread since that was her means of support. The
soldier then explained that he hadn’t eaten in 3 days since as it was wartime
in addition to possessing no money on him. However, he gave her a shawl and
said if he didn’t pay for the bread in 24 hours, she could sell the shawl. Not returning for several days, she unfolded
the shawl to see its worth and was stunned to discover it was lined with pure
gold. She informed her future husband- the Maharal- about this. Now the wedding
was able to take place! On a separate topic, although the Maharal is not known
to many as a Halachist, he is quoted as such by the Bach, Magen Avraham, Taz,
and others. The Maharal made such a profound impact that in 1917, the municipal
government had a statue of the Maharal erected in front of the municipal
building where it remains to this day. [7] Tehillim 89:38 [8] Shmuel 1, 17:14 [9] Breishis 38:29-30 [10] Additionally, 28 is also the Gematria of כח;
strength, since when Moshiach comes, that is when we will have our full
strength. Even in the Galus, Hashem gives כח to his weary nation which has
been persecuted and the like, as we say in the morning Brachos- הנותן ליעף כח; He
gives strength to his weary nation. [11] Eicha 1:7, Shemos 17:16, Vayikra 26:42 Rashi