Penetrating Tears
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Penetrating Tears Hashem
is appeased through our tears as we say in Selichos מלך מתרצה בדמעות; a King who is appeased with tears.[1]
In fact, R’ Yehonasan Eibshitz points out that if we rearrange the letters of
the word עמדה- which refers to the Shemoneh Esrei- we get דמעה; tears, as this is ideally how one should daven.[2]
tells us that although the heavenly gates of Tefila are locked, the heavenly
gates of tears are not locked- שערי דמעות לא
R’ Dessler explains that Hashem never locks the gates of heaven. The Gemara
refers to the gates and locks that are on one's heart which prevents us from
pouring our heart out to Hashem. With tears one can always daven properly. Now
we can comprehend why the first letters ofבשמך יגילון
כל היום[4]; in your name they
rejoice all day, spell בכיה since through tears one gets close to
Hashem, bringing him joy. With this we can grasp why כי ביום הזה יכפר[5]; on this day he shall
provide atonement, which is written in regard to Yom Kippur, contain the initials
בכיה since וידוי should be recited with tears. This
extinguishes the fire of the sins committed. Rabbi Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’
Mordechai Friedlander Ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from
R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. Rabbi Alt has written on numerous topics for
various websites and publications. He lives with his wife and family in a
suburb of Yerushalayim where he studies, writes and teaches. The author is
passionate about teaching Jews of all levels of observance. [1] In מכניסי רחמים. See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
131:16. The Kedushas Naftali points out that דבש; honey, is an acronym for שימה דמעתי
בנאדך הלא בספרתך; place my tears in your flask, are they not on your
record (Tehillim 56:9). Hashem wants to ascribe and seal us for life and
goodness. But what if the ink well runs dry? We request that Hashem take our
tears and add them to the ink. Then we will be inscribed in Hashem's book of
life. [2] If it is difficult for one to cry, he should at least
daven with emotion. [3] Baba Metzia 59a [4] Tehillim 89:17 [5] Vayikra 16:30