American Allusions
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American Allusions R’ Elazar Ben Shmuel Rokeach[1]
(1665-1742) tells us that each Pasuk in the Torah corresponds to a year.[2]
This may seem problematic because the Gemara says the world will exist for
6,000 years[3]
and there are only 5,845 Pesukim in the Torah. One answer, given by the
Rokeach, is that in Torah Shel Maala there are 6,000 Pesukim, which correspond
to the years of the world. However, in Torah Shel Matah, there are some Pesukim
missing. This is just as the Gemara[4]
says, that חמשים שערי בינה, 50 gates of understanding were created in
the world and all but one were given to Moshe. The missing Pesukim are in the
category of the 50th gate, which wasn’t revealed even to Moshe. Let
us explore this idea with some current events. (1) Benjamin Netanyahu, the
Prime Minister of Israel, was born in 1949. That year corresponds to the Pasuk ונתן ה'..., Hashem will place all these imprecations upon your enemies and
those who hate you, who pursued you.[5]
His name is shown in the beginning of the Pasuk in ונתן י-ה-ו-ה, as it contains נתניהו, Netanyahu. (2) The Americans entered
Iraq in 2003, eventually overturning the government. The year 2003 corresponds
to כנשר יעיר קנו על גוזליו ירחף..., He was like an eagle arousing its nest,
hovering over its young…[6]
נשר, eagle, can refer to the Americans, as the bald eagle is the
national bird of America and appears on its seal. Incredibly, in the words יעיר קנו, we find the word עירק, Iraq. The Americans
were hovering (ירחף) over Iraq in planes, as well as watching
over it. Also, גוזליו can be read as גזל, which means that they were hovering over the corrupt ones of
Iraq (the dictatorship).
Rabbi Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’
Mordechai Friedlander Ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from
R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. Rabbi Alt has written on numerous topics for
various websites and publications. He lives with his wife and family in a
suburb of Yerushalayim where he studies, writes and teaches. The author is
passionate about teaching Jews of all levels of observance.
[1] Sefer
Maaseh Rokeach, Vayelech. He was a Dayan in Krakow and in 1708 accepted the rabbinate in Rakow,
Poland. [2] He
doesn’t give examples. [3] Sanhedrin
97a. [4] Rosh
Hashana 21b. [5] Devarim
30:7. [6] Devarim 32:11. [7] Devarim