פרשת נח- Questions and Answers
Questions and answers for the Shabbos table:
1- What’s the 8th plague?
2- Once Pharoah refuses once again, what plague does God bring?
3- How many days did darkness last?
4- Before the final plague comes about, what’s the first thing God commands the Jewish people to do?
(Hint: very first mitzvah in the Torah)
To set up a calendar based on the cycle of the moon
5- What’s the next thing God commands the Jews to do?
(hint: Doorposts)
He commanded us to sacrifice a goat or lamb and put the blood on the doorpost
6- What’s the reason for this?
When God goes to the Egyptian houses and kills all their firstborns, He’ll know which houses to skip over
7- What is the tenth and final plague?
Makas Bechorot (death of the firstborns)
8- What’s the exact date of this last plague?
14th of Nissan
9- Why is Pharoah extra fearful and anxious about this plague?
He’s extra antsy because he’s a firstborn himself
10- Because of his fear, what does he finally do?
He finally let the Jewish people go
11- How long were the Jews enslaved in Egypt?
210 years
12- Why do we eat Matzah on Pesach?
We way matzah because the Jews ran so fast out of Egypt that their dough didn’t rise and they ended up eating what we call Matzah
13- What, then, does God tell Moshe about will happen every year thereafter?
All the Jews will have a seder where they tell over the story of יציאת מצרים.
14- What’s the mitzvah God commands the Jews at the end of the Parsha?
(Hint: Shacharis)
The mitzvah of Tefillin