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Fascinating Insights—The Sefer (in English)
Real authentic living with
Hashem means each moment of one’s life.[1]
In this way we can interpret לפני ה' תמיד:[2]
we should always have ה' in front of us and as it says שויתי ה' לנגדי תמיד, I have set Hashem before me always.[3]
Our אבות and אמהות embodied this. If we add up the number of
letters in their names, we notice there are 13 in אברהם,
יצחק, יעקב as well as in שרה, רבקה, רחל,
לאה. 13
is the same equivalent as אחד. 13
and 13 is 26, the Gematria of י-ה-ו-ה. Hence, this alludes to
that the אבות and אמהות were always connected to ה' אחד. With this we can grasp a deeper meaning in הרמתי ידי אל ה',[4]
I lift up my hand to Hashem, as Avraham’s every movement was dedicated to עבודת ה'. In this way we can interpret צדיק ה'
בכל דרכיו—[5]
who is a Tzadik, one who has Hashem with him in all that he does.
We need to observe the Torah
and Mitzvos 24[6]
hours daily. Delving into the phrase וחי בהם, [7]live by Hashem’s decrees and
judgments, we see this as וחי yields a Gematria of 24, as we should live
with Hashem 24 hours a day through the Torah and Mitzvos.
Here are some other
illustrations of this idea:
Our תנ"ך consists of the 5 books
of חומש and 19 in נ"ך. This gives us a total of 24!
There are 24 תכשיטי
כלה, [8]adornments, as we—the כלה of ה'—should be loyal to Him 24 hours
Our famous words נעשה
ונשמע are
recorded in which Perek and Pasuk? None other than 24,7! This is in Parshas
Mishpatim, as we should live by the משפטים of the Torah 24 hours
daily, 7 days a week.
There are 24 מתנות
alluding to this idea as the כהן is the one who is
especially close to ה'.
In the בית המקדש there were 24 משמרות.
When Shlomo built the Beis Hamikdash he sought
to bring the ארון to the holy of holies. Upon the gates
clinging to each other being unable to open it, he recited 24 songs of Tefila.[9]
Shabbos is a day of just us and ה'. Consequently, we cannot perform the 39 מלאכות.[10]
How many chapters are there in Mesachta Shabbos? 24! Additionally, the first letters ofושמרו בני ישראל את השבת,[11]
the Jewish people should observe Shabbos, has a sum of 24.
Now we can understand the
depth of why the curtains of the משכן were comprised of 24 strands per thread.[12]
True living (as משכן is rooted in שוכן, to dwell) with Hashem
is 24 hours daily.
Rabbi Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’ Mordechai Friedlander
Ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from R’ Zalman Nechemia
Goldberg. Rabbi Alt has written on numerous topics for various websites and
publications. He lives with his wife and family in a suburb of Yerushalayim
where he studies, writes and teaches. The author is passionate about teaching
Jews of all levels of observance.
[1] One who keeps Halacha
properly with the proper intentions is partially there as Halacha dictates
every detail of our lives—how to put our shoes on, wash our hands before bread
and so on.
[2] Shemos 28:29.
[3] Tehillim 16:8. See שערים בתפילה, p. 38.
[4] Breishis 14:22.
[5] Tehillim 145.
[6] See Chagiga 12a, Rashi s.v. מדת.
[7] Vayikra 18:5.
[8] Yeshaya 3:18-24. Also, a טרפה cannot live for 24 hours
(Baba Kamma 50b) and a טרפה is the
opposite of קדושה.
[9] Shabbos 30a. See Melachim 1,
chapter 8.
[10] Is it any surprise that י-ה-ו-ה אחד has a Gematria of 39?
[11] Shemos 31:16.
[12] Shemos 26:1, Rashi. In a
similar vein, this also explains why the initials of עול מלכות שמים—ע,מ,ש—hint to ערבית, מנחה, שחרית since during all parts of the day we should accept the
sovereignty of Hashem.