Prayerful Purim
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Fascinating Insights—The Sefer (in English)
Prayerful Purim Regarding giving Tzadeka on
Purim כל מי שפושט ידו לטל נותנים לו, whoever puts forth his hand for money,
give him.[1]
This also refers to Tefila as if we put forth our hands toward Hashem in Tefila
on Purim, He will answer us.[2]
This is what Purim is about. The Maharal writes …because the salvation of the Jews in
this Geula was the power of Tefila…[3]
Elsewhere, he tells us the miracle of Purim is because Hashem heard our
Tefila…and there hasn’t been another Geula where we were in a Tzara and Hashem
heard our Tefila[4]
like this one.[5] The Pasuk statesויאמר המלך לאסתר...ומה שאלתך וינתן לך ומה בקשתך עוד ותעש,[6]
the king said to Esther…what is your request now? It shall be granted to you.
What is your petition further? It shall be fulfilled. This alludes to Tefila on
Purim as המלך refers to Hashem.[7]
He says לאסתר, to each person who is in a position of concealment of Hashem (הסתר פנים), that whatever you ask for, I will give it.[8]
The Nesivos Shalom tells us that even a decree that is written and sealed with
the stamp of The King (Hashem), נכתב ונחתם בטבעת
can be torn up on Purim. Let us cite the incredible
words of R’ Yitzchak Isaac of Kamarna:[10]
"I received from my teachers that on the two days of Purim,[11]
someone with a small Neshama can ascend to the היכל, hall in heaven, of
a great
Tzadik, without any disturbance. Also, all Tefillos go up to the highest levels
(כתר) without deterrence, without being checked whether he is
worthy…. I received this silently, in a whisper, and I am passing it on like a רכיל, one who repeats secrets, because of my love for Jews.” So,
Tefila during the days of Purim ascends to the כסא הכבוד, throne of glory without
any prevention or scrutiny. On Purim, the supplications
of any simple Jew go straight to the כסא הכבוד as is alluded to in הקרובים והרחוקים, the Jews who are close to Hashem and those who are further.[12]
They, too, can get answered with their Tefilos on Purim. The Divrei Shmuel[13]
points out that the first letters of what we say in Nishmas (Nusach Sefard) צעקת הדל תקשיב ותושיע, the screams of the destitute You listen
to and save, spell תצוה, the week that Purim usually comes out in.
This alludes to the special power of Tefila at this time. In relating the
discourses of the Sages, the Gemara says פתח לה
פיתחא להאי פרשתא, he introduced his lecture on Esther…[14]
This statement hints to the power of Tefila on this day as it is a day (להאי פרשתא) when we can break through (פתח לה
with our Tefilos.[15]
[1] Orach Chaim 694:3. [2] See Esther 9:31, Mishna
Brura 686:2. [3] Ohr
Chodosh, s.v. רב מותנא. The
Gemara (Megila 12b) expounds the names יאיר,
שמעי and קיש in ושמו מרדכי בן יאיר...,
Mordechai, the son of Yair, son of Shimi, son of Kish (Esther 2:5). He is
called the son of יאיר because
he was a son who brightened (האיר) the eyes of the Jews through Tefila. בן שמעי, he was the son whose
Tefilos Hashem heard…. [4] After
the Rambam lists the 613 Mitzvos, he explains how the Rabbinic Mitzvos fit into
this system. He talks about Purim and writes: The prophets with the courts
ordained and commanded that the Megila be read at its time in order to recall
the praise of Hashem and the salvation He wrought for us, and He was close to
our cries. This is so that we will bless and extol Himוכדי להודיע לדורות הבאים שאמת מה שהבטיחנו בתורה כי מי גוי גדול אשר
לו אלהים קרבים אליו כה' אלהינו בכל קראנו אליו, and
inform the future generations of the truth of the Torah's promise, "For
which is a great nation that has a God Who is so close to it, as is Hashem, our
God, whenever we call to Him” (Devarim 4:7). So, Chazal made Purim to tell us
davening works. [5] Ohr
Chodosh, Hakdama.
The Maharal also writes Esther knew with complete clarity that the only way to overcome Haman
was through Tefila (Ohr Chodosh, s.v. אם על
המלך טוב). [6] Esther 9:12. [7] See Esther Rabba 3:10. [8] The Shem Mishmuel (תרעז, s.v. ובבקר) says that every Jew on
Purim can say to Hashem (just as Tzadikim decree and Hashem fulfills) to hang
Haman and erase his name from his heart. [9] Esther 3:12. [10] Sefer Nidvas Leiv. [11] Because we may be so busy on
Purim with Mishloach Manos, the Megila, the Seuda and so on, Hashem gave us
another day of Purim so that we can be free to accomplish with our Tefilos
among other things. [12] Esther 9:20. [13] Brought in the Beis Avraham
in Tetzave. [14] Megila 10b-11a. [15] It of course is no
coincidence that מרדכי is also
called פתחיה (Shekalim 5:1). [16] Megila 7b. [17] Parenthetically, once, when wine ran out at a Purim Seuda, the
Chassam Sofer said he has a tradition from his Rebbe, R’ Nosson Adler, that
there is a certain name of Hashem that if he used he can have wine pouring out
from the walls. However, the Chassam Sofer chose not to use the name of Hashem
for such purposes.