The Time To Ask
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Fascinating Insights—The Sefer (in English)
The Time To Ask
When things are going well,
we should take advantage of the opportunity to ask Hashem for more. This is
just as the Gemara says הואיל ועת רצון..., since it is a time of Divine favor, let
us also daven for…[1]
We can compare this to a wealthy man or one with power that is in a good mood,
as that is the time to ask.
[1] Yoma 69b. The Gemara there
relates that the Men of the Great Assembly said since it is a time of Divine
favor as Hashem granted our request to remove the urge of idolatry, let us also
daven for the evil inclination for immorality to be subdued before us. After
they davened, that too was delivered into their hands.
[2] Shemos 33:18, Rashi.