The Chosen City
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לעילוי נשמת שמואל אביגדור בן יצחק מאיר
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Fascinating Insights—The Sefer (in English)
The Chosen City The Maharal[1]
tells us that the middle is chosen. For this reason, Eretz Yisrael—the chosen
land for Kedusha—is in the center of the world. In the center of Eretz Yisrael
is Yerushalayim. In the center of Yerushalayim is the Beis Hamikdash.[2] In a Teshuva the Chassam Sofer[3]
(1762-1839) wrote to the great R’ Amram Chasida (1790-1830),[4]
he expresses his astonishment that R’ Amram decided to settle in Tzefas and not
In the Chassam Sofer’s opinion, settling in Yerushalayim is a bigger Mitzva
than settling elsewhere in Eretz Yisrael,[6]
even nowadays when it is in ruins.[7]
In this letter, he writes that the Kedusha of the place where the Beis
Hamikdash was is still there even though its walls don’t exist there now and
those who live in that area are holier and closer to Hashem.[8]
This is where the שער השמים, gates to heaven are. Even before Yehoshua
and Ezra sanctified Eretz Yisrael, many occurrences took place there: Adam and
Noach brought a Karbon, Akeidas Yitzchak, and Yaakov’s dream.[9]
So there is an inherent Kedusha there. [1] Tiferes Yisrael, chapter 22. [2] Likewise, we see by Aharon
who was the Kohen Gadol, the head of all the Kohanim.א is the head of all the letters. In math, there
are ones, tens and hundreds.ה , which
has Gematria of 5, is the middle of the ones. Next isר , 200, the middle of the
hundreds, asת , 400,
is the highest letter. Last is the נ, 50, the middle of the tens. [3] שו"ת חתם סופר, Yoreh
Deah, 233. [4] R’ Amram Chasida was a Rav in Hungary and was known
for his piety and righteousness, earning him the title ‘Chassida.’ At the age of 36 he settled in Tzefas where he lived for four years
until his death. He devoted himself to developing the community there, which
had 1,000 Jews. R’ Amram’s daughter was one of the casualties in the earthquake
in Tzefas. The Rabbis of Eretz Yisrael wrote that he literally died from
grief over the exile of the Shechina. In his
eulogy for R' Amram, the Chassam Sofer said not only was he a great
person, a Torah sage and a Tzadik even when he was in the Diaspora, but in
Eretz Yisrael he became as great as two of us.
[5] In the eulogy the Chassam Sofer
(Drashos Chassam Sofer, p. שצ, s.v. אך) gave on those that died
in the earthquake in Tzefas on the second of Iyar in the year תקצ"ז (1837), he writes the
reason for the earthquake was because of the jealousy of Yerushalayim (מקנאת ירושלים) since there is the gate
to heaven (Breishis 28:17), it is עיר שחברה
לה יחדיו, a city that is united together (Tehillim
122:3), there was Har Hamoriya where עקידת
יצחק was (Breishis 22:14), there Yaakov slept and had his dream
(28:11-12), there is the mountain of Hashem and a hill towards which all mouths
turn (Brachos 30a) and the Shechina doesn’t move from the Kosel (Shemos Rabba
2:2). And behold Yerushalayim was completely forgotten for nearly 100 years as
people put their faces towards (שמו פניהם) Tzefas because R’ Shimon Bar Yochai is buried in Meiron and
the Arizal in Tzefas and those who go to Eretz Yisrael just pay attention to
Tzefas and Tevarya while Yerushalayim is forgotten completely. [6] Let us
cite the incredible words of the Chassam Sofer elsewhere (Chidushai Chassam
Sofer, Succa in Perek לולב הגזול, s.v. דומה and Toras Moshe, Parshas
Shoftim, s.v. מי): The
Gemara (Brachos 35b) relates that R’ Yishmael teaches that the study of Torah
is to be accompanied by earning a livelihood, as it says ואספת דגנך, you will gather in your
grain (Devarim 11:14). R’ Shimon bar Yochai says that one should devote himself
to Torah, and Hashem will make certain that his needs are provided for. Abaye
remarked that many followed the R’ Yishmael approach and succeeded in both
working and learning, while others who followed R’ Shimon bar Yochai’s way
weren’t successful. The Chassam Sofer says that one should ideally follow R’
Shimon bar Yochai, dedicating himself solely to Torah. When Abaye commented
that people didn’t succeed following that path, that was because they didn't devote
themselves properly. However, one who is truly dedicated to Torah will succeed
in this way. The Chassam Sofer says that we follow R’ Nehorai (Kidushin 82a)
who said, “I put aside every trade and I only each my son Torah.” This is only
true in the Diaspora where there is no reason to work at a trade except to earn
a living. If one can truly dedicate himself to Torah and succeed that way,
there is no reason to work. This is what R’ Shimon bar Yochai was referring to
and even R’ Yishmael would agree. In Eretz Yisrael, however, one doesn’t only
work the fields in order to make a living, as there is also the Mitzva of ישוב הארץ, settling the land. Just
as one stops learning Torah to put on Tefillin, one stops learning Torah to
farm the land, which is the Mitzva of ישוב הארץ (ישוב הארץ doesn’t
just mean living in Eretz Yisrael; it means developing it). This doesn’t just
apply to farming, but to all industries and professions as this is part of ישוב הארץ and giving it honor. It
would be a deficiency in the honor of Eretz Yisrael if a certain profession doesn’t
exist there, requiring products to be imported from abroad. [7] R’ Amram’s opinion was that
Yerushalayim is greater only when there is a Beis Hamikdash. [8] This can be compared to one
who sits closer to the radiator in that he is warmer. [9] In the next Teshuva (Yoreh
Deah, 234, s.v. והנה), the
Chassam Sofer writes that Yerushalayim, which is where the gates to heaven are,
has supreme Kedusha—even when the different nations lived there. The Shechina
never moved and never will move from the Kosel—even when Yerushalayim is in
ruins. [10] Yoreh Deah, 234, s.v. ומה.