Simcha In The Month Of Av?
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Simcha In The Month Of Av?
When a leader is in his
palace and has all he wants, he is happy and feels in need of no one. However,
when he feels a lack he may call in his servants to sing and cheer him up. In a
similar vein, Hashem feels ‘low’ since there is no Beis Hamikdash. This is
especially so during the three weeks.[1] Therefore, we need to give
‘Chizuk’ to Hashem as it says תנו עז לאלה-ים; give strength to
Hashem.[2] This is done through doing
Avodas Hashem with enthusiasm and happiness. With this, we can appreciate a
deeper meaning in עבדו את ה' בשמחה-[3] the purpose of Avoda is to
do it in a way that it gives Simcha to Hashem.
The Gemara[4] tells us משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה; when the month of אב comes in we diminish our
Simcha. This can also mean that when אב comes in we diminish in
our pleasures- no meat, showering and the like. How should this be done?[5]
בשמחה.[6] In fact, the Chazon Ish tells
us a remarkable insight. A Navi is required to be בשמחה when he gets a prophesy.
Consequently, Yirmiya had to be בשמחה when he wrote Eicha![7]
[1] See the Koznitzer Magid in
his Sefer Avodas Yisrael, Masei
[2] Tehillim 68:35
[3] Tehillim 100:2
[4] Taanis 26b
R’ Shwab points out that the
Gemara says in Adar we increase in Simcha whereas in Av we decrease in Simcha.
We see that a Jew must always have Simcha.
[6] We lessen the mourning by
being בשמחה.
[7] When there is meaning in
suffering one can be בשמחה and it
is no contradiction.