No Tefila Unanswered
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No Tefila Unanswered Although
at times it may seem that our Tefila goes unanswered, this is never the case,
explains R’ Shimshon Pincus.[1]
An example is given of one that is sick where the public davens for his
recovery and yet he still dies. Those Tefilos are not in vain as it could be it
prolonged his life or lessened his pain. It may also be that the Tefilos will
help his descendants or it will be saved for one who needs it or a time when it
is needed.
In this way, we can grasp נדי ספרתה אתה שימה דמעתי בנאדך...; You have counted my wanderings, place my tears in your flask,
are they not on record.[2]
Each tear is counted by Hashem and stored away for when it is needed. The following scenario illustrates this: Yaakov’s
relative- Yehuda- is involved in a car accident and his life is now in danger.
Because Yaakov is unaware of this occurrence thereby having the inability to
daven for Yehuda, Hashem takes the tears collected from Yaakov’s previous
Tefilos which saves Yehuda’s life![3] A distraught woman once
approached R’ Aryeh Levine after her husband died to a long and painful
illness, asking what happened to all those tears she had from davening for him?
Were they wasted? He answered that when the time comes for her to leave this
world, she will be shown that Hashem gathered every tear drop and treasured
them like gems. And every time there was a decree on the Jewish people, Hashem
took one of her tears and washed the decree away. The story is told of Reuven
who was davening for his best friend Shimon Ben Chana who was very sick.
Eventually, he succumbed to his sickness and died. Reuven was so distraught as
he felt his Tefilos for his friend was wasted since, in the end, he died. After
Shimon Ben Chana passed away, Reuven’s daughter who was single for many
years got married. In one of the conversations this Chosson and Kalla had, the
Chosson related an unbelievable story: He said that when his father- Shimon-
was on his deathbed, the family came together to be with him before he would
die. Suddenly, while everyone was there, his father exclaimed, “I feel great.
Why am I in the hospital?” And so, in the end, he left the hospital. His father
later went to a Mekubal to ask what happened, as he was sick in the hospital
and suddenly he felt great. The Mekubal told him that there was someone you
don’t know that was constantly davening for you and that is what brought you
back to life. This person that was davening for you had a best friend named
Shimon Ben Chana who he davened for, but it was decreed that this person Shimon
Ben Chana had to die. However, your name is also Shimon Ben Chana and his
Tefilos saved your life! The Chosson continued: “After this episode, my father
left the hospital and had one more child.” This child turned out to be the
Chosson! R’ Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’
Mordechai Friedlander Ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from
R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. R’ Alt has written on numerous topics for various
websites and publications. He lives with his wife and family in a suburb of
Yerushalayim where he studies, writes and teaches. The author is passionate
about teaching Jews of all levels of observance. [1] Shearim B’Tefila, עתור, pgs 142-4. Shomer Emunim, מאמר הבטחון
5. See Pri Tzadik Vayera. 5. In his early years, R’ Pincus learned in Beis
Hatalmud in New York under R’ Aryeh Leib Malin. Afterwards, he made Aliyah to
Eretz Yisrael to learn in Brisk under
R’ Berel Soloveitchik, the son of the Brisker Rav. After his marriage, he lived
in Bnei Brak and then in the
Negev where he was the Mashgiach of the yeshiva in Ofakim. At the request of R’
Shach and the Steipler, R' Pincus accepted the position of Chief Rabbi of
Ofakim, where he served for over twenty years. R’ Pincus and his wife, Chaya
had 12 children. His wife administered the religious high school "Neve
Yocheved" for girls in Ofakim. In 2001, at the age of 56, R’ Pincus was
killed in a car accident, along with his wife and 18-year-old daughter, Miriam.
[2] Tehillim 56:9 [3] The following analogy can help us understand this:
Imagine one who wants to travel to Eretz Yisrael and saves up the necessary
money. Then he discovers he is sick and requires surgery. To pay for the
surgery he uses the money he saved up for the ticket. Similarly, we may think we are davening for one thing
but Hashem saves those tears for something else when it is needed.