Was Yitzchak Slaughtered at the Akaida?
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Was Yitzchak Slaughtered at the Akaida?
1) Before Avraham was about
to slaughter Yitzchak, he was told do not stretch your hand out against the boy—אל תשלח ידך אל הנער.[1]
The Midrash says that from here we see a hint from the Torah to תחית המתים, the resurrection of the dead. Continues the Midrash, even
Yitzchak said ברוך...מחיה המתים.[2]
How do we see from this Pasuk a hint to תחית
2) The Pasuk states לספד לשרה ולבכתה, Avraham eulogized Sarah.[3]
The Megale Amukos wonders why didn’t Yitzchak—an only child to Sarah—also
eulogize her?[4]
3) Upon seeing Yitzchak,
Rivka wonders מי האיש הלזה ההלך בשדה לקראתנו[5], who is that man walking
in the field toward us. How are we to grasp the holy Rivka inquiring about one
of the opposite gender?
4) Rashi tells us on ויגדלו הנערים,[6]
the boys grew up, that Yaakov and Esav were 13 years old at the time. However,
when we do the calculation, we see that they were actually 15! This is because Avraham
was 100 when Yitzchak was born and Yitzchak was 6o when his children—Yaakov and
Esav—were born.[7]
100 and 60 is 160. 13 years later would make Avraham 173. Yet we know that he was
175 when he died?[8]
5) The Yerushalmi says that
the lives of the Avos come to a total of 500 years.[9]
However, adding up the years of the Avos—Avraham was 175, Yitzchak 180 and
Yaakov 147—we arrive at a total of 502, not 500?
Although we commonly think
that Yitzchak wasn’t slaughtered at the Akaida, the Midrash informs us of an
opinion that he actually was slaughtered. This fits with the terminology we
find in Chazal אפרו של יצחק נראה לפני..., the ashes of Yitzchak
are before me on the מזבח,[10]
since he was actually slaughtered. It is also implicit in the phrasing of Rashi[11]
who says through hearing the news of the Akaida that her son was ready for
slaughter וכמעט שלא נשחט..., she passed away. Rashi should say כמעט נשחט if he was nearly slaughtered. כמעט שלא
implies that he was slaughtered at the Akaida. This idea is alluded in the
Gematria of יצחק, which is identical to הרג, 208.
R’ Yeshaya Hertz from Dinov
in his Seferהנותן אמרי שפר explains really Yitzchak was slaughtered
by the Akaida and was later brought back to life by Hashem. If so, how do we
explain אל תשלח ידך אל הנער..., don’t slaughter Yitzchak. This was said after Hashem
resurrected him, as Hashem was saying to Avraham don’t send forth your hand for
a second time. Consequently, from here we
see a hint to תחית המתים from the Torah! Yitzchak was the first one
to have such a miracle like this happen to him. Indeed, we find a hint to the
resurrection in his name as יצחק rearranged spells קץ חי—after he dies, he is then brought back to life. Furthermore,
the second Bracha of Shemona Esrei—the Bracha of תחית
to Yitzchak.
From the wound he sustained
at the Akaida, he needed to be healed. He was thus taken to Gan Eden for two
years to be healed, says the Midrash. This is why after the Akaida it says וישב אברהם...,[12]
Avraham returned…, since Yitzchak wasn’t with him as he was in Gan Eden.
With this, we can explain how
Yitzchak recognized the smell of Gan Eden on Yaakov when he gave him the
Brachos—וירח את ריח בגדיו, he smelled the fragrance of his garments.[13]
When it says Yitzchak was 60
when Yaakov and Eav were born, it doesn’t include the two years he was in Gan
Eden. He therefore was really 62. Consequently, Avraham was 162 when they were
born. 13 years later make Avraham 175.
With this information, we can
comprehend why the Yerushalmi says only 500 years and not 502, regarding the
years of the lives of the Avos, as it doesn’t include the two years that
Yitzchak was in Gan Eden.
It was at this time while he
was in Gan Eden that Yitzchak’s mother died. He therefore didn’t eulogize his
mother. This also explains why upon seeing Yitzchak, Rivka commented מי האיש הלזה ההלך בשדה לקראתנו as he was just in Gan Eden.[14]
Rabbi Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’
Mordechai Friedlander Ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from
R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. Rabbi Alt has written on numerous topics for
various websites and publications. He lives with his wife and family in a
suburb of Yerushalayim where he studies, writes and teaches. The author is
passionate about teaching Jews of all levels of observance.
[1] Breishis 22:12.
[2] Taamai Haminhagim, p. 146. R’ Chaim Vitaal testified
on himself that his Rebbe—the Arizal—revived him after his Neshama left him
just like Elisha Hanavi. When his Neshama returned to him, R’ Chaim Vitaal
recited the Bracha of מחיה המתים (Shaar Hagilgulim p. 63b. Shomer
Emunim, Maamar Haemuna, chapter 12. See footnote 27 there.).
[3] Breishis 23:2. The name יצחק is comprised of the words קץ חי as
his mother died as a result of the Akaida.
[4] Megale Amukos, Chaya Sarah, s.v. ויצחק.
[5] Breishis 24:65.
[6] Breishis 25:27.
[7] 25:26.
[8] 25:30.
[9] Yerushalmi Brachos 1:1.
[10] Vayikra 26:42, Rashi. See Zevachim 62a, Taanis 16a,
[11] 23:2, Rashi.
[12] 22:19.
[13] Breishis 27:27, Rashi. See the Redal in Pirkei Drebi
Eliezer 31, s.v. פתח.
[14] A hint to this idea is found in that the Gematria of ויצחק בא:
Yitzchak came (which is written in the story of Yitzchak and Rivka) is
identical to מגן עדן, from Gan Eden—217 (Breishis 24:62. See פענח רזא).