Six and Blessing
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Six and Blessing If we analyze the number six,
we will notice it represents Bracha. When the women gave birth in Mitzrayim, it
was six at a time.[1]
Rus was destined to have six descendants—Dovid, Moshiach, Daniel, Chananya,
Mishael and Azarya—descend from her who would each be blessed with six
It is the sixth year that is one of blessing for the sixth, seventh and eighth
What is the sixth request we have in Shemona Esrei? ברך עלינו.[4]
This idea is hinted to in the letter ו—since it has a numerical
value of six—as it means “and”—to increase. Indeed, we are taught it is the
cause מוסיף על הראשונים,
[5]it connects to what was said
previously. Moreover, it means a hook—that which connects—as in ווי העמודים.[6]
The sixth of the אושפיזין is Yosef and he is the one who gave Bracha to the land of
Mitzrayim. Indeed, it says יסף ה'...ברוכים.[7]
We also find the term Bracha in regard to Yosef by the Brachos of Yaakov and
Moshe—ויברכך ברכת שמים מעל ברכת... and וליוסף
אמר מברכת.[8]
יוסף is rooted in the term מוסיף, to increase. It is
Yosef’s two sons that became Shevatim.[9]
This is the concept of Bracha as the root of ברכה is ברך.[10]
ב is 2, כ 20 and ר 200, as the idea of
Bracha is to add,[11]
Yosef is the one who was שומר הברית and that is the part of the body that
reproduces. In addition to the above, the Pasuk states Yosef woreבגדי שש (six).[13]
What is the sixth Parsha of
the Torah? Toldos. Consequently, this Parsha is saturated with Bracha. Every Aliya in this Parsha begins with a ו, six. Each Aliya also has terms of Bracha contained in it. This
is especially true with the sixth Aliyah of this Parsha which contains many
terms of Bracha. We are taught in this Parshaויצחק בן ששים
שנה[14]—unit of six. The name of the
Parsha is תולדת, children—to extend beyond ourselves—Bracha.[15]
Furthermore, it was twins, not just one child. Moreover, both were male and the
Baal Haturim[16]
points out that זכר has the same numerical value as ברכה, 227.
Rabbi Alt merited to learn under
the tutelage of R’ Mordechai Friedlander Ztz”l for close to five years. He
received Semicha from R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. Rabbi Alt has written on
numerous topics for various websites and publications. He lives with his wife
and family in a suburb of Yerushalayim where he studies, writes and teaches.
The author is passionate about teaching Jews of all levels of observance. [1] Shemos 1:7, Rashi. [2] Sanhedrin 93b. [3] Vayikra 25:21. [4] See Orach Chaim 119:1. [5] Shemos 21:1, Rashi. [6] Shemos 38:10. [7] Tehillim 115. Additionally, יוסף
has the same Gematria as 26 (י-ה-ו-ה)
multiplied by 6. [8] Breishis 49:25-6, Devarim 33:13. We also give the sixth
Aliya to a Tzadik. [9] The days of the week correspond to the seven Shepherds.
As a result, Friday—the sixth day of the week lines up with Yosef. Is it any
wonder that Friday we received a double portion of מן as
it says ביום
it shall be on the sixth day…it will be double what they pick every day (Shemos
16:5)? In fact, this is what is meant in ואתה נותן להם את אכלם בעתו,
You give them their food in its proper time (Tehillim 145:15), as בעתו is
a contraction of בעת ו, Friday (ו has a Gematria of six, referring
to the sixth day—Friday), meaning on this day we received a double portion of מן. [10] Actually, ברך has
a Gematria of 222 and 2+2+2=6! [11] The letter ב is
the beginning of increase, which is Bracha. Consequently, the letters of ברך
are second letters which is Bracha—ב in
the single digits, כ in the tens and ר in
the hundreds (Maharal in Tiferes Yisrael, chapter 34, s.v. והנה דברים). [12] The word ברך contains the only 3 letters that
are double its previous letter. That is ב, 2 is double א, 1.
200 is double ק, 100 and כ is double י,
10. Additionally, ברכה is from the word בריכה,
wellspring. [13] Breishis 41:42. [14] Breishis 25:26. [15] The word תולדת in
the first Pasuk is spelled with one ו since only Yaakov was a Tzadik.
So again we see again the ו illustrating the idea of Bracha. [16] Vayikra 12:2. [17] Orach Chaim 671:2.