Two Words, Two Years
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Two Words, Two Years The Midrash tells us Yosef
was imprisoned for two years since he said to the שר המשקים, זכרתני והזכרתני, think of me…and mention me to Paroh. However, we are left to
wonder why two years and not two months or two days?[1]
We are taught אין המת משתכח..., a dead person is forgotten from the heart after 12 months.[2]
As a result, we see זכירה means 12 months. For this reason, we have
Parshas Zachor—to remember Amalek,[3]
once yearly. Therefore, if it is a leap year, it is a 13 month year and כונה is necessary at the end of Ki Seitzei where it talks of זכירת עמלק. Since Parshas Zachor comes out Purim time and Ki Seitzei in
Elul, 12 months doesn’t pass without reading the Parsha of Amalek.[4]
Now we can understand why
Yosef was punished for two years since he said זכר(והזכרתני, זכרתני) twice and each זכר is a year. This also
explains why Yosef was released from prison on Rosh Hashana[5]
as it is also known as יום הזכרון. [1] Breishis Rabba 89:3, Breishis 40:14. Kli Yakar,
Breishis 40:23. The Brisker Rav ingeniously postulates what would be if he only
said one זכר,
how long would he have been punished for? We would say one year. But, the truth
is he wouldn’t have been punished at all since he was doing the proper השתדלות.
Now that he said it twice, it shows that even the first time he said it was
also a lack of faith. [2] Brachos 58b. Similarly, the Halacha states (Orach
Chaim 225:1) that if one sees his friend after a lapse of 12 months, he recites
ברוך מחיה המתים (see Mishna Brura 225:4). [3] It is also one of the שש זכירות. [4] See Maharam Shik in his Sefer on the 613 Mitzvos,
Mitzva 605 in the name of the Chassam Sofer. [5] Rosh Hashana 10b, 11a.