Predicting the Holocaust
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Predicting the Holocaust
In the plague of חשך, darkness, we see connections to the Holocaust. The Jews who
didn’t want to leave Mitzrayim to go to Eretz Yisrael died in the plague of
Similarly, we know that in the 1930s, Jews were offered to go to Eretz Yisrael,
based on the Haavara Agreement.[2] Many,
however, declined.
In connection with the plague
of darkness, it is written ויהי חשך על ארץ מצרים וימש חשך, there will be darkness
upon Mitzrayim, and the darkness will become darker.[3]
Let us look at the letters above (על) the letters ofוימש : above ו is ה, above י is ט, above מ is ל, and above ש is ר.[4]
Astoundingly, these letters spell הטלר, Hitler ימ"ש![5]
correlation is that 12 of 15 million people died in חשך. But that was וימש—double darkness.[6]
Half of 12 million is six million, the number of those who perished in the
The Meshech Chochma
writes what seems like a prophecy: “Those people [Jews] who think Berlin is
Jerusalem…will see those very people [Germans] rise up like a storm wind [to
destroy them].” We all know what happened.
In the memoirs of R’ Mazah[8]
we find a record of a talk given by the Maggid of Kelm that took place more
than 60 years before the Holocaust:
The German will not
prosecute the Jew with ordinary persecutions. When he rises to power, he won’t
just oppress the Jews, but rather he will make the hatred of the Jews like a
Shulchan Aruch, code of law. Because of the sin of Geiger [founder of the
reform movement in Germany], a new, German version of the Shulchan Aruch is
going to arise against the Jewish people and there it will be written—the only
thing to do with even the best Jew is kill him!
R’ Shlomo Wolbe cites in the
name of R’ Yisrael Salanter (1810-1883) that in return for the “Reform Shulchan
Aruch,” which permits intermarriage with the Gentiles, the day will come when
the Gentiles will write a Shulchan Aruch of their own, which will forbid them
to marry Jews.[9]
The enslavement in Mitzrayim
didn’t begin until all the שבטים died. Upon hearing of the death of R’
Baruch Ber Liebowitz in 1939, the Chazon Ish closed himself up in a room and
was heard sobbing passionately, “Until now the pure and holy Torah study of R’
Boruch Ber and R’ Shimon Shkop protected our people from the Nazis. Now, who
knows what will be.”[10]
It wasn’t too long after (in 1939) that the Nazis came.[11]
In the winter of 1930 before
preparing to leave the yeshiva and return to America, a student came to receive
a farewell blessing from the Chofetz Chaim. In the course of the conversation,
the Chofetz Chaim murmured, “Twelve million was child’s play. Only in another
ten years will the thing really begin.” He repeated this until the young man
realized what was actually being said. The reference was to the twelve million
people who had been killed or wounded in World War One. Almost 10 years later
(1939) World War Two unleashed its fury.[12]
R’ Michoel Ber Weissmandl[13]
(1903-1957) tells of a discussion he had with his rebbe, R’ Shmuel Dovid Ungar,
in 1931. R’ Ungar was offered the post of Rav in Tirnau, which he refused, and
instead remained with his yeshiva at Nitra. When R’ Weissmandl pressed him to
reconsider, he answered, “My heart tells me that the time is near when there
won’t be a yeshiva anywhere except Nitra, and I want to be there.” Ten years
later, when all the yeshivos of Slovakia were destroyed and only Nitra
remained, R’ Weissmandl remembered this prophetic moment with his teacher.
When Hitler rose to power in
1933, the Ponovitcher Rav, R’ Yosef Shlomo Kahanemen, asked the Chofetz Chaim
what the fate of their brothers in Germany and Poland would be, since Hitler
had publicly declared that he aimed to wipe out the name of Israel. The Chofetz
Chaim replied that Hitler wouldn’t succeed, as no one had ever succeeded in
uprooting and destroying our entire people. As in אם יבוא
עשו אל המחנה האחת והכהו והיה המחנה הנשאר לפליטה, if Esav comes to the one camp and strikes
it down, then the remaining camp shall survive.[14]
The Ponovitcher Rav then asked that if the enemy were to succeed in
annihilating European Jewry—the quantitative and qualitative majority of the
Jewish people—which camp would escape and survive. The reply: This is
explicitly written in ובהר ציון תהיה פליטה והיה קדש וירשו בית
יעקב את מורשיהם, on Mount Tzion there will be refuge, and it will be holy, and
the house of Yaakov will inherit those who dispossessed them.[15]
The Ponovitcher Rav left the
Chofetz Chaim, trembling over the imminent destruction of European Jewry, but
his heart was sure that our Holy Land would be spared. And so it was.[16]
Over the entrance to the Ponovitch Yeshiva, which he subsequently founded in
Bnei Brak, the pasuk (Ovadia 1:17) quoted by the Chofetz Chaim was inscribed.
Tracing the ancestry of
Haman, we find that he is a descendant of Amalek, who descends from Esav. What
are we told about Esav? The Midrash[17]
compares him to a pig. When a pig lies down, it stretches forth its
hooves—which are split and therefore have a kosher sign—as if to say, “I am
pure.” Esav and his descendants act the
same way. The Germans are known to have been very nice on the outside. We now
know how they were on the inside.[18]
[1] Shemos 10:22, 13:18, Rashi. This was the only plague
in which Jews died. Four-fifths of the Jewish people died in the plague of
darkness. This is hinted to in והוצאתי אתכם, I will take you out from
Mitzrayim (Shemos 6:6), as it has a trop called מונח רביעי.
That is to say, only one-fifth will be spared and taken out of Mitzrayim.
[2] This agreement,
between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews, was signed on August 25, 1933.
[3] Shemos 10:21.
[5] It is also fascinating to note what was found encoded
in the Torah. In the words ויצא נח (Breishis 8:18) we find the word
Next, if we write down every 31st letter in Breishis 8:19-21, we
find that they spell the name Hitler: הארץ...לה'...הטהור...הניחח...האדמה—היטלר.
Moreover, this pasuk states thatיצר לב האדם רע מנעוריו,
man’s heart is evil from his youth—an appropriate description for Hitler.
[6] See 10:21, Rashi.
[7] Bechukosai 26:44. The following is a letter that is
said to have come from the Abarbenel (1437-1508) that some contend was a
prediction of the Holocaust:
(מצמיח ישועה פ"ז הובא בהקדמה לשו"ת תולדות עם ישראל) וְזֹאת קַבָּלָה
הִיא מִפִּי הַנְּבִיאִים שֶׁהַזְּמַן הָאֲמִתִּי וְהָאַחֲרוֹן שֶׁאֵין עָלָיו
אַחֲרוֹן, בְּעִתּוֹ, יִהְיֶה בַּמִּלְחָמָה הַיּוֹתֵר נוֹרָאָה שֶׁתִּהְיֶה
בָּעוֹלָם לְמִן הַיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר נִבְרָא, בְּעִיר אַחַת מִמְּדִינוֹת הַמַּעֲרָב
יַעֲמֹד רָשָׁע אֶחָד מוֹשֵׁל בְּאַף וְחֵמָה, וְצִוֻיוֹ יִהְיוּ לְהַשְׁמִיד
וּלְאַבֵּד אֶת שׂוֹנְאֵיהֶם שֶׁל יִשְׂרָאֵל עַד גְּמִירָא בְּלִי גְּמוּל, וְעַם
יִשְׂרָאֵל יִהְיֶה אָז בְּצָרָה גְדוֹלָה שֶׁבַע שָׁנִים, וְיֵצֵא בְּמִלְחָמָה
לִכְבֹּש אֶת כָּל הָעוֹלָם, וְהָרָשָׁע יַכְנִיעַ כָּל הָעוֹלָם לְכַף רַגְלוֹ
מְדִינָה אַחַר מְדִינָה, וְעַל זֶה נֶאֱמַר "וְהָיָה הַנִּשְׁאָר בְּצִיּוֹן
וְהַנּוֹתָר בִּירוּשָׁלִַם קָדוֹשׁ יֵאָמֶר לוֹ", וְעַל מִלְחָמָה זוֹ
נִבָּא בִּלְעָם "אוֹי מִי יִחְיֶה מִשֻּׁמוֹ אֵל", בְּעֵת שֶׁיַּעֲמֹד
רָשָׁע בָּעוֹלָם וּשְׁמוֹ וְשֵׁם אִמּוֹ מְרֻמָּז בָּאוֹתִיּוֹת אֵ"ל, [אַ
דּוֹלף לַ אטִי שר"י ] סִטְרָא דִּקְדֻשָּׁה בְּצֵרוּף סִטְרָא אַחֲרָא,
וְהִיא מִלְחֶמֶת גּוֹג וּמָגוֹג, וִינַצֵּחַ נִצָּחוֹן עַד אֲשֶׁר יָבֹא
לְאַרְעָא קַדִּישָׁא, לְאַרְעָא דְּיִשְׂרָאֵל."
[8] 4, p. 154.
[9] Bein Sheishes Leasor, p. 78.
[10] Biography of R’ Baruch Ber, first edition, 1987, p.
[11] This is just as it says מפני הרעה נאסף הצדיק,
because of the impending evil the righteous one dies (Yeshaya 57:1). An example
of this is Avraham dying so as not to see Esav set out on bad ways (Breishis 25:30).
[12] Chofetz Chaim Al Hatorah, Kedoshim, p. 165, מעשי למלך.
[13] In his work מן המצר, p.
42. R’ Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld avoided taking part in the official reception for
the German Kaiser when he visited Yerushalayim in 1899.
[14] Breishis 32:9.
[15] Ovadia 1:17.
[16] Chofetz Chaim Al Hatorah, Vayishlach, 32:9.
[17] Breishis 26:34, Rashi.
[18] See the Malbim to Breishis 20:11.
[19] Megila 6a-b. The Gemara continues there that they had
300 crowned princes. This matches up with Germany, since by the end of the
Middle Ages—which had seen Britain and France emerge as unified nations—Germany
remained a crazy patchwork of 300 individual states (The rise and fall of the
Third Reich, p121, W.L. Shirer).
[20] See also the Gra in Yoma 10a, Tiferes Yisrael to
Negaim 2:1, and Eliyahu Rabba there. The following has been said about the Nazis who
just followed commands in the Holocaust: Rashi (Shemos 11:5) tells us that the
sons of slavewomen were smitten by makkas bechoros because they would also work
the Jews as slaves and שמחים בצרתם, rejoice
at their distress. The Gur Aryeh is bothered why they too were punished, since
they had been forced to do this as it was the command of their masters. Doesn’t
the Gemara says that אונס רחמנא פטריה, one
who is coerced, is exempt (Baba Kamma 25b)? Since they were שמחים בצרתם, rejoicing at their
distress, as Rashi says, it was as if they weren’t forced, because one who is
forced to do something isn’t happy when he does it. This is similar to what the
Ramban (Breishis 15:14) explains why the Egyptians were punished for
subjugating the Jews, although Hashem had decreed this from the outset. It was
because they increased on the evil done to the Jews from their own wickedness.