Pesach Greetings
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Pesach Greetings
Before Purim,
we wish others “Freilichin Purim” and prior to Pesach we tell others to have a
Kosher Pesach. R’ Dovid Cohen (born in 1932) related that in Ukraine, where his
parents were from, they would say “Have a Kosher Purim” since many get drunk.
Wishing a Freilichin Purim wasn’t necessary since it will be Freilich as
everyone is in good spirits on Purim. On the other hand, when it comes to Pesach,
the way people work to prepare for it, they don’t have to worry about it being
Kosher. However, they need to make sure that it will also be Freilich. Consequently,
they would wish each other a Kosher Purim and a Freilichin Pesach. In the greeting
Chag Kosher V’Sameach,[1]
many need to emphasize the Sameach part, as preparing for Pesach can be more
stressful than usual due to the quest of cleaning for Chametz.
[1] The traditional good wishes
before and on a Yom Tov is Chag Sameach. But Pesach we wish each
other, Chag Kosher V'Sameach. Why do we add the word Kosher in
the Pesach wishes? Throughout the year there are certain foods which we are permitted
to eat (Kosher foods) and those which we are prohibited to consume
(non-Kosher). Food which is Kosher is always Kosher and those which aren’t
Kosher are not to be eaten anytime. As a result, it is easy to be careful with
the observance of Kashrus. But Pesach is different than other Yomim Tovim since
foods which are Kosher all year, like bread and cake, are prohibited on Pesach.
In fact, the prohibition of eating Chametz on Pesach is much stricter than the
prohibition of eating pork! In addition to eating, possession of Chametz
is prohibited on Pesach. Because these items are Kosher all year long, yet
prohibited during Pesach, we need to be extra careful and make a special effort
to make sure we don’t come in contact with it during Pesach. Therefore, we add
to the regular wish of “Chag Sameach” the word “Kosher”—wishing each other that
the holidays should pass in a most Kosher way.