Learning from the Mistakes of Others
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Fascinating Insights—The Sefer (in English)
Learning from the Mistakes of Others
While many may learn from
personal experiences, one can also learn from the experience of others.[1] This is why the section of
Sota and Nazir are placed next to each other since one who sees a Sota in her
disgrace should abstain from wine by becoming a Nazir as wine can lead to
adultery.[2] In this way we can grasp איזהו חכם הלומד מכל אדם, who is wise, one who learns from everyone.[3] This includes even learning
from the mistakes of others. An example of this would be wealthy people. Many
of them have achieved their wealth by learning from the mistakes of others such
as where they failed in businesses. This message is taught to us in Parshas
Shlach as the section of the spies is put next to the section about Miriam’s
criticism of Moshe since she was stricken because of her speech, yet the spies
didn’t learn from this and spoke negatively about Eretz Yisrael.[4] Why make your own mistakes if
you can simply learn from the mistakes of others![5]
[1] This would include taking a
lesson from an earthquake in a foreign country to do Teshuva.
[2] Bamidbar 6:2, Rashi.
[3] Avos 4:1.
[4] 13:2, Rashi.
[5] When one learns from the
mistakes of others, he can excel more than he would have since he doesn’t need
those setbacks in his personal life to learn that lesson. Even if one still
needs this setback in his life to learn this lesson, it can still be ingrained
in him more if he also takes the lessons from the mistakes of others.