Singing Service
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Fascinating Insights—The Sefer (in English)
Singing Service We know the Avoda of the Leviyim
were to sing as we say ...ולוים לשירם ולזמרם[1], restore the Leviyim
to their song and music. This is hinted to in קח את
הלוים מתוך בני ישראל, take the Leviyim from among בני ישראל.[2]
Taking the middle letters from the word ישראל, let us see what we get.
Spelling out the word ישראל, we have יוד, שין,
ריש, אלף, למד. The middle letter spelled out is ריש, which when rearranged
spells שיר, song. The middle letters of each of them when they are spelled
out (יוד, שין, ריש, אלף, למד) spells לויים.[3]
This was the job of the Leviyim. The Meor V’Shemesh[4]
brings from the Sefer Bris Menucha[5]
that when Korbanos were brought to the Beis Hamikdash, the Kohen would look at
the one bringing the Korban and understand his thoughts. If the Kohen
understood that the person didn’t do proper Teshuva yet, then he would hint to
the Leviyim for them to sing that which would awaken this person to have
thoughts of Teshuva. The Leviyim would then do this and this would bring
the person to thoughts of Teshuva…Through this the person was forgiven. [1] Mussaf of Shalosh Regalim. [2] Bamidbar 8:6. [4] Korach, s.v. ועבד. [5] This was authored by R’
Avraham the son of R’ Yitzchak of Rimon. In the Sefer Eitz Chaim (Hakdama, s.v.
ובענין ספר הקבלה) R’
Chaim Vital in the name of the Arizal testifies that the Sefer Bris Menucha is
true and was authored by a great sage in Torah, wisdom… It was done through the
Neshama of a Tzadik that was a Kadmon that Eliyahu revealed himself to and he
learned with him. [6] מאמרי חודש תשרי, מאמר שובה ישראל, אות כ.