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Chidushim and Divrei Torah PARsha
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53 Results
Parshas VaYikra – Chometz, Fruit, and Salt
Rabbi Rudman
Parshas VaYikra – Chometz, Fruit, and Salt This week we begin Sefer Toras Cohanim, the Halachos of the Cohanim, with the reading of VaYikra. This year (5778) it is also Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Nissan,
The Dove and Raven- Parshas Noach
Rabbi Rudman
The end of the Mabul is when HaShem commands Noach to leave the Teivah. But Noach desires to know when the waters have receded and the land is dry. Just as when the world was created, the waters need
Adam’s First Wife – Lilith- Parshas Bereishis
Rabbi Rudman
There are a number of places in Chazal, where there is a reference to a consort of Adam before the Chavah of the Written Torah. Sometimes she is referred to as ‘The First Chava’ [1]; and sometimes sh
Sefer HaTorah, Zeh and Zohs -- Parshas Nitzavim
Rabbi Rudman
This week’s Parsha is a continuation of the Bris of Klal Yisroel. The Torah writes [1], “If there is someone who will think that the Bris does not apply to them, HaShem will single him out for punish
To Toil in Torah - Parshas Ki Tavo
Rabbi Rudman
At the end of this week’s Parsha, Moshe regathers the people. In those Pesukim [1]Moshe says, “And HaShem did not give you a heart to understand, eyes to see, ears to hear, until this day.” What is
Yifat Toar - Parshat Ki Teze
Yifat Toar The concept of Yifat Toar is not an easy one to grasp. How can the Torah permit something that the Torah does not approve of, as can clearly be seen from the context of t
The Hair and Nails of the Yefas Toar - Parshas Ki Teze
Rabbi Rudman
This week’s Parsha concludes the Halakhos of war. It teaches us the procedure of a soldier who captures an Eishes Yfas Toar, the captive he can then marry. Many clarifications are brought to explain
Meat in the Midbar and In Eretz - Parshas Reeh Yisroel.
Rabbi Rudman
As Moshe Rabbeinu continues his soliloquy to Klal Yisrael in Sefer Devarim, more Halachos are introduced that emphasize the transition from the Midbar to Eretz Yisroel. One of the more dramatic diffe
Why all the details: - Parshas Eikev
Why all the details: In the beginning of this week’s Parsha the Torah promises us tremendous benefit, “Eikev Tishmeun”, loosely translates it means when or because you will listen. The peculi
The Missing Gibor - Parshas Eikev
Rabbi Rudman
This week’s Parsha contains a number of sections that are integral to Tefilah. The most famous is the second paragraph of Shema. But we also find part of the first Bracha of Shemoneh Esreh – HaGadol
The Lightest Mitzvoth - Parshas Eikev
Rabbi Rudman
This week’s Parsha begins with the Pasuk, “And it shall come to pass, since you listen to these laws, and guard and do them, that HaShem your God shall keep with you the covenant and the mercy which
The Language of Canaan - Parshas Devarim and Tisha B’Av –
Rabbi Rudman
This week we begin Sefer Devarim, the Book of Words. What are these words that the Sefer is made up of? The obvious and correct answer is the continuation of the Pasuk, “That Moshe spoke”. This Sefer
Parsha Ponderings – Matos-Masei
וידבר ד’ אל משה לאמר: נקום נקמת בני ישראל מאת המדינים, אחר תאסף אל עמך And God spoke to Moshe saying: Avenge the vengeance of the Israelites against the Midianites, after which you shall pass on.
The Haste of Bnei Reuven and Gad Parshas Matos Massei –
Rabbi Rudman
There are many difficulties in understanding the manner that Reuven, Gad, and half the Shevet of Menashe acquire their portion in Eretz Yisroel. But in the discussion that takes place between Moshe a
Moshe’s Notebook - Parshas Massei
Rabbi Rudman
The name of this week’s Parsha introduces us to one of the salient points that is being taught; the journeys and encampments of Klal Yisroel through the desert. Many explanations are said as to why t
The Laws of Rodef : The Matter of Conjoined Twins - Parshas Pinchas
This week’s parashah is named after Pinchas, whose act of zealotry in killing Zimri and Cozbi lifted the Divine curse from upon the nation of Israel. The Gemara (Sanhedrin 82a) makes us aware of t
The Transition from Moshe to Yehoshua - Parshas Pinchas
Rabbi Rudman
In Sefer Bamidbar we travel from Har Sinai till Ever HaYarden, the entrance to Eretz Yisroel. In Pinchas, Klal Yisroel is encamped at the border of Eretz Yisroel, and the generation who are to enter
Parsha Ponderings – Balak
The narrative is well-known- Bilaam heads to Moav on a mission to curse the Jews, his donkey sees an angel blocking its path, the donkey stops, Bilaam whips it, the donkey berates him, and finally, G
The Battle against Midian - Parshas Balak
Rabbi Rudman
In this week’s Parsha we learn about the battle between Klal Yisroel and an alliance of two nations, Moav and Midian. But if we follow the Pesukim, there are times when the confrontation is with bot
Parshas Chukas – The Passing of Miriam
Rabbi Rudman
This week’s Parsha takes us from the end of the generation that left Mitzrayim [1], to the beginning of the conquest of Eretz Yisrael, the land of Sichon and Og. As part of this journey, we also lea
Latest Chidushim and Divrei Torah
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Eli Kopter- The Mosad Agent Real Identity Revealed. Rabbi Shay Tahan A French TV channel recently fell for a viral hoax, reporting a r
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Beyond Authority: The Art of Empowering Others Rabbi Shay Tahan At a rabbinical convention attended by esteemed scholars from previous ge
Rejoicing at the Downfall o..
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Rejoicing at the Downfall of Our Enemies: Rabbi Shay Tahan When we experience a defeat of our enemy a question must be asked: are w
Fateful Flight and Wings of ..
שי טחן
Fateful Flight and Wings of Retribution: Was It an Accident or a Strategic Move? Rabbi Shay Tahan It's hard to avoid seeing the similari
Latest Discussions
The purpose
Beautiful Dvar Torah. Great preparation for Shavuos
Parshas Bechukosai- The Mira..
Amazing!!!!!!!!!! A vey true perspective on life.
Parashas Bereishis The Game ..
This is really amazing, I think that it also explains why people actually feel satisfaction when the team they are going for wins...