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אלו תוצאות חלקיות בלבד. מוצגות רק 1500 התוצאות החדשות ביותר.
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Pesach Greetings
Rabbi Yehoshua Alt
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Great Geula
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Taanis Bechorim
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Haggadah History
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Choiceless Redemption
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Goblets of Gratitude
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A Moving Mishloach Manos
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For One and For All
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Prayerful Purim
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Tu B’Shvat
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A Turn For The Worse
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See The (Hidden) Light
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The place of Balei Teshuvah
במקום שבעלי תשובה עומדים איו צדיקים גמורים יכולים לעמוד (ברכות ל"ד) This can be understood as follows. Tzadikim take the moderate (balanced) path. בעלי תשובה are leading a
A Cry For Mercy
Rabbi Yehoshua Alt
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Judgement Day- Of A Different Kind
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To join the thousands of recipients and receive these insights free on a weekly email, obtain previous articles, feedback, comments, suggestions, to support or dedicate this publication which has b
The purpose
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יט' אייר תשע"ט בחקתי May 24, 2019 6th year, edition 283 To
Dvar torah shemos
This week's parsha is parshas shemos… we learn about the begging of moshe rabbeinu and the jewish nations suffering in mitzrayim… you'd expect that in this week's parsha wed get a whole background of
The cure of the Shalosh Regalim
The קריאת התורה on Chol Hamoed Pesach discussed both the ענין of the שלש רגלים and the ענין of the עגל הזהב. What is the connection between the two ענינים? In פרשת בלק when בלעם wanted to curse
Latest Chidushim and Divrei Torah
Eli Kopter- The Mosad Agent ..
שי טחן
Eli Kopter- The Mosad Agent Real Identity Revealed. Rabbi Shay Tahan A French TV channel recently fell for a viral hoax, reporting a r
Beyond Authority: The Art of..
שי טחן
Beyond Authority: The Art of Empowering Others Rabbi Shay Tahan At a rabbinical convention attended by esteemed scholars from previous ge
Rejoicing at the Downfall o..
שי טחן
Rejoicing at the Downfall of Our Enemies: Rabbi Shay Tahan When we experience a defeat of our enemy a question must be asked: are w
Fateful Flight and Wings of ..
שי טחן
Fateful Flight and Wings of Retribution: Was It an Accident or a Strategic Move? Rabbi Shay Tahan It's hard to avoid seeing the similari
Latest Discussions
The purpose
Beautiful Dvar Torah. Great preparation for Shavuos
Parshas Bechukosai- The Mira..
Amazing!!!!!!!!!! A vey true perspective on life.
Parashas Bereishis The Game ..
This is really amazing, I think that it also explains why people actually feel satisfaction when the team they are going for wins...